Purpose of the construction of the five major centers of the National Health Commission


1. To further improve medical services and realize rapid, efficient, and high-quality medical treatment for patients with critical illnesses in crisis.

2. Encourage places with the conditions to integrate resources, explore the development of transfer services for patients with medical service needs who are not in pre-hospital medical emergency services, strengthen the management of related work, and ensure medical quality and safety.

3. The construction of the "five centers" focuses on the innovation and construction of the national emergency and first aid system, and systematically transmits the construction of the emergency and first aid system and its development trend, the interpretation of the emergency medical process and the construction standards of the "five centers", the configuration of the equipment, and the innovation of the management. In addition, the program will systematically transfer the construction method and innovative service concepts of the emergency medical system, and promote the establishment of a rapid, efficient, and full-coverage medical treatment system for acute and critical illnesses.