What are the anti-static measures for common electrical appliances? (Question by Tianjin Strength Technology Engineering Co.)

Static control methods

The complete elimination of static electricity at the production site is usually impossible. However, with proper use of equipment and remedial measures, most static problems can be controlled. Over the years, many methods have been tried to control static problems. Obviously, no single method can control all static problems. One of the important considerations in choosing a method of controlling static electricity is whether the material to be charged is a conductor or an insulator. Static electricity on a conductor can be easily controlled if the conductor can be grounded. A grounding wire simply provides a pathway that allows static charges to travel smoothly into and out of the ground. When a conductor is grounded, all of its charges are neutralized, and thus it will maintain ground potential. However, because the charge cannot pass through the insulator, grounding the insulator is useless. Grounding an insulator will not eliminate static electricity. Only in the operation, as far as possible to reduce the generation of static electricity, such as wearing anti-static clothing, shoes, headgear, gloves, anti-static wristbands and footbands and grounding, etc., but also to minimize the movement of personnel, making the anti-static work surface.