British medical equipment and materials

It can affect the price of imported goods in Britain, so British residents go to the supermarket to stock up in advance. Recently, according to British media reports, a number of senior government officials said that the government should prepare to leave the EU without agreement. As soon as this news came out, a large number of people immediately went to the supermarket to snap up goods, and the intensity of snapping up goods was unprecedented, even higher than before the outbreak earlier. Although British government officials said that the price of British meat products will not be affected, and fruits from South America will not be affected by Britain's withdrawal from the EU, only vegetables imported from the EU may face a shortage for several months. Earlier, British health officials also informed local drug suppliers that they needed to hoard medical supplies for six weeks in advance.

According to local media reports, due to the rising possibility of leaving the European Union without agreement, Britain can sign agreements with a number of transportation companies, requiring the other party to arrange 3,000 vehicles to transport British goods, especially medicines and medical devices. According to informed sources, the British government has prepared a number of plans to deal with the challenges that hard Britain may face after leaving the EU. According to an open survey data, more than 60% of the British people surveyed believe that there may be a phenomenon of hard Britain leaving the EU. More than half of the respondents said that hard Britain's exit from the EU would have a certain impact on their lives, while less than 30% thought that hard Britain's exit from the EU would not affect their lives.

At the same time, the people are worried, and the goods suppliers going to Britain said that the number of trucks entering Britain through the English Channel has increased by 50% recently, and even due to the rush to buy goods, truck traffic jams have appeared in some major ports, which is very rare in the local area.

However, in the face of panic buying in society, the British government does not seem to care. Instead, it has repeatedly said that the government is conducting hard Britain's exit from the EU exercise to cope with the risks brought by hard Britain's exit from the EU, and that it will set up warships in British waters to prevent French fishermen from fishing in the waters.