Jiu da logistics park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that JiuDa Logistics Park is located in DeCheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province (Dezhou DeCheng District, Dezhou City, near No. 2266, West Dongfeng Road), covers an area of about 97 acres, as of now, there are 22 enterprises in the park ****, including the Dezhou JiuDa Logistics Company Limited, Shandong KuanShun Logistics Company Limited, Dezhou QINLONG Construction Labor Subcontracting Company Limited, and so on.

45.5% of the enterprises in the Jiu Da Logistics Park are located in the road transportation industry, multimodal transportation and transportation agency industry, water transportation industry, air transportation industry, railroad transportation industry, and 13.6% are located in the business service industry.

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