Difference between cartridge filters:
Cartridge filters, if used in front of reverse osmosis, usually called the security filter, the security filter is to ensure the safety of the incoming water into the membrane, the general accuracy of the selection of 5 microns, if used in the back of the reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration membranes at the back of the cartridge filters are also known as microporous membrane filters. At this time, the accuracy of the filter is usually below 1 micron, mainly to remove the impurities through the ultraviolet sterilizer after the interception of bacteria in the water. Cartridge filter element wire-wound cartridge, folded cartridge and meltblown cartridge, due to the meltblown cartridge price is cheap, so the meltblown cartridge in the water treatment with * more, cartridge clogging direct replacement, the cost is small.
Difference between bag filters:
The bag filter is a new type of multi-purpose filtration equipment with novel structure, small volume, easy and flexible operation, energy saving, high efficiency, closed work, and strong applicability, and a new type of filtration system. The filter bag is supported by a metal mesh basket inside, the liquid flows in from the inlet, and flows out from the outlet after being filtered by the filter bag, and the impurities are intercepted in the filter bag, and the filter bag can be continued to be used by replacing the filter bag during maintenance.
Compact structure, reasonable size. Installation and operation is simple, convenient, covers an area of small, high filtration precision, suitable for any fine particles or suspended matter, filtration range from 0.5 to 200 microns, unit filtration area to deal with a larger flow rate, filtration resistance is small, high filtration efficiency. A liquid filter bag filtration function is equivalent to the cartridge 5 to 10 times, can greatly reduce the cost; design flow can meet the requirements of 1 to 500m3 / h, low cost.