Is it legal to sell hospital self-service equipment

Not legal

Mainly to see whether the device is fully licensed, whether in the validity period. Secondly, the sale and use of the device unit enterprise whether the corresponding sales and use of qualifications. Personally, I think the irrationality of the free experience sales of medical devices, these experience stores use class II medical devices. Class II medical devices are used by patients in the hospital at the same time as the medication, under the guidance of the doctor, divided into departments and types of disease after a lot of verification and effective for a certain condition, not for all diseases have efficacy, class II medical devices exist in moderate risk. Today's society is not the same as the free experience of medical equipment store, where people can come to experience, become a general medical equipment regardless of men and women, young and old, regardless of the type of disease, omnipotent. Although there is a double certificate, but the staff that is not from the medical staff is not a professional knowledge of the staff, just in front of the profiteering illegally take the experience of the life of the joke. For example: the car four S stores let buyers experience the vehicle, there is a professionally trained staff with a driving license to accompany the car. So medical equipment free experience, must be used under the professional guidance of hospital doctors, otherwise it will produce adverse effects or consequences, and even endanger human life!