Lead pollution
It is a toxic metal that can accumulate in human and animal tissues. It mainly comes from various paints, coatings, storage batteries, smelting, hardware, electroplating, cosmetics, hair dyes, glazed dishes, cutlery, coal burning, puffed food, water pipes and so on. It is through the skin, digestive tract, respiratory tract into the body and a variety of organs affinity, the main toxic effects are anemia, neurological dysfunction and kidney damage, vulnerable groups are children, the elderly, immunocompromised people.
The safe concentration of lead for aquatic organisms is 0.16mg/L. When rice and wheat are irrigated with water containing 0.1-4.4mg/L of lead, the lead content in the crops increases significantly.
The normal lead content in the human body should be 0.1mg/L. If the content exceeds the standard, it can easily cause anemia and damage the nervous system. And young children's brain damage by lead is much more sensitive than adults, once the blood lead content exceeds the standard, should take active measures to eliminate lead poisoning. Children can take the lead oral liquid or with the help of other products for lead detoxification.
Cadmium pollution
Cadmium is not an essential element of the human body. Cadmium is very toxic, can be accumulated in the body, mainly in the kidneys, causing changes in the function of the urinary system; cadmium is the main source of electroplating, mining, smelting, fuel, batteries and chemical industry and other emissions of wastewater; used batteries in cadmium content is high, but also exists in fruits and vegetables, especially mushrooms, in dairy products and cereals are also a small amount of presence.
Cadmium is able to replace calcium in the bone, causing severe softening of the bones and breaking of the bones by inches, can cause gastric dysfunction, interfering with the enzyme system of zinc in the human body and living organisms, leading to a rise in hypertension. Vulnerable groups are mining workers, immunocompromised people. Water containing cadmium 0.1mg / L, can mildly inhibit the self-purification of ground water, cadmium on the silver carp safety concentration of 0.014mg / L, with cadmium-containing 0.04Mg / L of water for irrigation, the soil and rice is significantly contaminated, agricultural irrigation water containing cadmium 0.007mg / L, can cause pollution.
Normal human blood cadmium concentration is less than 5 micrograms / liter, less than 1 microgram / liter in the urine. Cadmium can interfere with calcium in the bone, if long-term intake of trace amounts of cadmium, so that serious softening of the bones, bones inch broken, causing bone pain disease, its also cause gastric dysfunction, and interfere with the enzyme system of zinc in the human body and organisms, leading to a rise in hypertension.
Mercury pollution
Mercury and its compounds are highly toxic substances that can accumulate in the human body. It mainly comes from instrument factories, salt electrolysis, precious metal smelting, cosmetics, lighting lamps, dental materials, coal combustion, and aquatic organisms. Metallic mercury in the blood enters the brain tissue and gradually accumulates in the brain tissue, and when it reaches a certain amount, it will cause damage to the brain tissue, and another part of the mercury ions are transferred to the kidneys.
Inorganic mercury ions entering the water can be transformed into more toxic organic mercury, which enters the human body from the food chain and causes systemic poisoning; vulnerable groups include women, especially mothers-to-be and people who are addicted to seafood; the mercury content in natural water is very small, generally no more than 0.1 μg/L. Normal people's mercury in the blood is less than 5-10 μg/L, and the concentration of mercury in urine is less than 20 μg/L. If acute mercury poisoning is induced, it will cause damage to the brain tissue, and another part of the mercury ion will be transferred to the kidney. In case of acute mercury poisoning, hepatitis and hematuria can be induced.?
Chromium pollution
Mainly from poor-quality cosmetic raw materials, leather preparations, chrome-plated parts of metal parts, industrial pigments, as well as tanning, rubber and ceramic raw materials, etc.; such as accidental ingestion and drinking, can lead to abdominal discomfort and diarrhea and other symptoms of toxicity, causing allergic dermatitis or eczema, breathing in, and the respiratory tract has an irritating and corrosive effect, causing pharyngitis, bronchitis and so on. Residents of areas with serious water pollution, frequent contact or excessive intake, prone to rhinitis, tuberculosis, diarrhea, bronchitis, dermatitis and so on.
Copper pollution
The pollution caused by copper (Cu) and its compounds in the environment. The main sources of pollution are copper and zinc ore mining and smelting, metal processing, machinery manufacturing, iron and steel production. Smelting emissions of soot is the main source of atmospheric copper pollution.
Nickel pollution
is environmental pollution caused by nickel and its compounds. When smelting nickel ore and smelting iron and steel, some of the ore dust will enter the atmosphere with the airflow. In the roasting process there is also nickel and its compounds discharged, mainly insoluble nickel sulfide (N iS), nickel oxide (N iO), nickel metal dust, etc., become particulate matter in the atmosphere. The nickel dust generated by combustion encounters hot carbon monoxide, which generates the volatile and highly toxic carcinogen nickel carbonyl [N i(CO)4]. Workers in nickel refining operations have a higher incidence of nasal and lung cancer. Nickel plating industry, machine manufacturing industry, metal processing industry wastewater often contains nickel, commonly used alkali treatment of industrial wastewater, so that it generates nickel hydroxide [N i (OH) 2] precipitation and remove. Nickel can be enriched in the soil, nickel-containing atmospheric particulate matter deposition, nickel-containing wastewater irrigation, plant and animal residue decay, rock weathering, etc. are the source of nickel in the soil. Plant growth absorbs nickel from the soil. The plants with the highest nickel content are green vegetables and tobacco, up to 1.5-3 ppm. the critical concentration of nickel that is toxic to rice is 20 ppm. china stipulates that the maximum allowable concentration of nickel carbonyls in air in the workshop is 0.001mg/m3, and that the maximum allowable concentration of nickel in surface water is 0.5mg/L.
Zinc pollution refers to the environmental pollution caused by zinc and its compounds. The main sources of pollution are zinc mining, smelting and processing, machinery manufacturing, and galvanizing, instrumentation, organic synthesis and paper and other industrial emissions. Automobile tire wear as well as coal combustion dust, soot contain zinc and compounds, industrial wastewater zinc often to zinc hydroxyl complexes exist.
Environmental Pollution
Heavy Metal Pollution
From the aspect of environmental pollution, heavy metals refers to mercury, cadmium, lead, and "metal-like" ----- arsenic and other biologically significant heavy metals. The most toxic to humans are five: lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium. These heavy metals in the water can not be decomposed, people drink the toxicity of amplification, and other toxins in the water combined to generate more toxic organic matter.
Soil pollution, heavy metal-resistant plants can be used to repair, can be used for amusement parks, etc., non-agricultural arable land, the United States, there are examples of this, Anhui Tongling copper tailings and Australia to cooperate, to carry out
Plant restoration, the effect has been the first signs.
Heavy metals are generally widespread in nature in natural concentrations, but due to increasing human mining, smelting, processing and commercial manufacturing activities of heavy metals, resulting in a number of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, cobalt, etc. into the atmosphere, water, soil, causing serious environmental pollution.? [2]?
Human Injury
Heavy metals that exist in various chemical states or chemical forms will survive, accumulate and migrate after entering the environment or ecosystem, causing harm. For example, heavy metals discharged with wastewater, even if the concentration is small, can be accumulated in algae and substrate, adsorbed by the body surface of fish and shellfish, resulting in food chain concentration, thus causing public nuisance. For example, Minamata disease in Japan is caused by mercury in the wastewater discharged from the caustic soda manufacturing industry, which is turned into organic mercury by biological action; and for example, gout, which is caused by cadmium discharged from the zinc refining industry and cadmium electroplating industry. Automobile exhaust emissions of lead into the environment through atmospheric diffusion and other processes, resulting in the current concentration of lead on the surface has been significantly increased, resulting in the absorption of lead in the body of modern man than the primitive man increased by about 100 times, damaging human health. Heavy metals are extremely harmful to the human body. Common:
Children suffering from heavy metal pollution damage
Mercury: ingested directly into the liver, the brain, nerves, eyesight damage. Natural water contains 0.01 milligrams per liter of water, which can lead to human poisoning.
Cadmium: lead to high blood pressure, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; destruction of bones and liver and kidney, and cause kidney failure.
Lead: is one of the more toxic of heavy metal pollution, once into the body will be difficult to eliminate. It can directly harm human brain cells, especially the nervous system of the fetus, and can cause congenital mental retardation.
Cobalt: can have radioactive damage to the skin.
Vanadium: injures the heart and lungs and causes abnormal cholesterol metabolism.
Antimony: and arsenic can make silver hand jewelry into brick red, radioactive damage to the skin.
Thallium: can make people polyneuritis.
Manganese: in excess can make people hyperthyroidism. It can also harm vital organs.
Arsenic: one of the components of arsenic, is highly toxic and can cause rapid death. Long-term exposure to small amounts can lead to chronic poisoning. It is also carcinogenic.
Any of these heavy metals can cause headaches, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, confusion, joint pain, stones, and cancer in humans.