What equip means.

Equip means: to furnish; to equip; to make ready; to enable.

Phrase Match:

equip with equip; furnish; to; device.

Auto Equip to dress automatically; to dress of one's own accord; to dress of one's own accord; to equip automatically.

Standard equip Standard equip.

EQUIP SPEED The speed at which the gun comes out.

Spray Equip Spray system; Spray equipment.

Retail Equip Equipment for selling goods.

Finishing Equip Surface treatment equipment; finishing equipment.

Medical Equip Medical equipment.

Surveillance Equip Surveillance equipment.


1、Equip?the high-grade inner hydraulic pressure slow descent enginery.

2, Could you help me?equip?the caravan?

Could you help me prepare the gear on this caravan?

3, The basic purpose of school is to?equip?us for success.

The basic purpose of school is to make us successful.

4, To?equip?or train for war.

To arm, to militarize to equip or train for war.

5, The course is designed to?equip?students for a career in nursing.

This course is designed to equip students for nursing.