Taiwan military physical test standards show that there can be fat men are not allowed to have fat women, what do you think?

Gender discrimination is a complex world problem, any country in any field will exist in varying degrees, even the military camp, but also because of the obvious difference in the tasks undertaken by different sexes of military personnel and suffered a double standard, it is clear that Taiwan for the military personnel to develop the body side of the standard, indeed formed the objective fact of gender discrimination against women, discrimination which is not difficult to understand, after all, Taiwan's military camps on the The dependence of female soldiers is not strong, whether from the perspective of combat readiness or other types of military services, the role of male soldiers will be more obvious, and female soldiers are usually only responsible for the logistics and administrative affairs of Taiwan's military camps, even if the reduction in the number of soldiers because of the body side does not pass the test will not materially affect the day-to-day functioning of the army, and therefore the development of differentiated standards for men and women's body side is also a logical consequence of this, which is a good indication that Taiwan's This also fully demonstrates that Taiwan's barracks management system is so rigid that even the basic rights of soldiers cannot be guaranteed.

From public information, the Taiwanese army's double standard is mainly for promotion and for those who need to stay in the camps to carry out the physical side of the program, and these items in the eyes of ordinary people have a strong attraction, that is, usually referred to as the fat job, taking into account the special characteristics of Taiwan's military service system, to be able to stay in the camps or promotion has become the goal of the majority of military personnel, in this objective background, the competition for these fat jobs. background, the number of military personnel competing for these fat jobs will certainly increase abruptly, and the development of this physical test standard can block unimportant female military personnel from the qualification line, which also reduces the competition faced by male military personnel to a large extent. Therefore, in the face of the protests and questions of the female community, the Taiwanese military has not explicitly denied it, but rather defended it by using a variety of rhetoric, which has provided room for the survival of such an unreasonable lack of fairness of the The law provides room for survival, which is clearly an injustice suffered by female soldiers in Taiwan's military camps.

In addition to this, various scandals in Taiwan's military camps have been repeated, and harassment of female soldiers is even more common. If we don't consider this aspect of the military's needs, it's very likely that the Taiwanese military is corrupt, and that the reason for setting up such standards is to ensure that female soldiers in the camps can have good looks and a slim body, although this is a bit of an inane conjecture, it has been a very difficult task for the Taiwanese military over the past few years. Although such speculation is a bit nonsensical, in the past few years, this aspect of Taiwan's military scandals has been known to the public, so the establishment of such double standards in terms of body shape, it is also very easy for outsiders to have associations in this regard, as the saying goes, good things don't come out of doors and bad things are spreading for thousands of miles, since Taiwan's military camps have similar dirt and experience, there is no guarantee that the similar phenomenon has been curbed and rejected, so it is entirely possible that restricting the body shape of female servicemen is the result of the selfish desires of the relevant military personnel. .