India's medical resources have almost reached their limit, even if two new crown patients **** have a bed, there are still many civilians are unable to get treatment . In fact, two new crown patients *** with a bed, this problem can easily cause cross-infection, if a patient is about to be cured, then it will soon be infected by the patient next to it. And we can also see from the picture, India's medical environment is still relatively poor feeling, there is no appropriate equipment for these patients to use.
See here really can't help but think of our country, our country, when the Wuhan new crown pneumonia just broke out, many hospitals have also been full, patients have no beds, but the country to the fastest speed to establish the Vulcan Mountain and Thunder Mountain, the two hospitals, is for more patients to use. Don't look at these two hospitals built very fast, but the equipment inside is all state-of-the-art, almost all the good things are piled up on this side. Others are also all segregated in one bed per person, in order to prevent cross infection.
It's a miracle that no other country in the world has the speed that we have. I am very glad that I was born in China, outside the new coronary pneumonia is still raging, but we can already rest easy within our own country, because we know that the country is our strong backing, no matter what problems arise, the country will be the main focus of their own people, to protect the personal safety of every citizen. If it were not for the reports that appear on the occasional app, many people might have thought that the new coronary pneumonia in other countries had been completely contained.
On the matter of control of New Crown Pneumonia, we have delivered a satisfactory answer to all. India has always had a strict hierarchical system, where the rich get quality treatment, but many commoners don't have access to hospitals, and they may still be in dire straits, and India's medical resources are stretched to the limit.