Where is a good place to wash tattoos?
The way to wash tattoos must be laser treatment. Laser therapy includes emerald laser, emerald laser, picosecond laser, picosecond laser, especially picosecond and picosecond laser. Its initial indication was tattooing. Because tattoos are difficult to remove, tattoos have many colors, and this color is injected into the dermis during the tattoo process, which is very deep, so it is difficult to wash off. There are picoseconds and picoseconds at present. Each laser has a different wavelength and aims at different colors, such as blue or black, red, green and yellow. But no matter what kind of tattoo, it needs to be repeated many times, 1-2 months will remove 1 time. If all tattoos are removed, some people need to do 5- 10 treatments with an interval of 1-3 months. But at present, the effect of laser treatment on tattoos is quite positive, that is, in addition to high cost and pain, I also advise young people not to get tattoos easily and impulsively, because tattoos are easier, but it is really difficult to remove them. Laser removal requires multiple treatments.