What about the surrounding facilities of Guanghan Yanjiangyuan Community?

Address of Yanjiangyuan Community: North Section 3, Nanbei Street, Guanghan City, Guanghan City.

The transportation supporting resources within the range of 1KM include (Beixin Square, Telecom Building, Dongmen Station, Stomatological Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dongmen Bus Station, Jinyanqiao, Zhongshan Road Shopping Mall, Building Materials Market, Jin Yan Square, Road Crossing) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Jiayin English (the second section of Wuchang Road North), Chen Art Training, Art Education Center, Guanghan Education Bureau, Changle Dance School, Education Training School Co., Ltd., Jieshun Driving School, Dafeng Art Guanghan Training Center (Guanghan Education Center), Forest Nature Education Studio and Juyou Education Training School).

2KM of surrounding medical resources 10, in which Guanghan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (East Ward) is away from the community 165m, Guanghan Second People's Hospital-Emergency Department is away from the community 185m, Guanghan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (North Street Branch) is away from the community 190m, and Guanghan Zhongshan Hospital is away from the community 36/. Guanghan People's Hospital is 712m away from the community, Guanghan Chengming Hospital is1057m away from the community, Sichuan People's Hospital Guanghan Hospital (maternity ward) is 153 1 m away from the community, and Guanghan Liu Hanshu Hospital is1550m away from the community.

The commercial facilities around Yanjiangyuan are: (Sure enough, Shi Hui Fruit Shop, Jianglaoda Blacksmith Shop, Dahai Fishing Gear Chain, RELX York (Shuyuan Street Store), Men's Club Fashion Museum (Guanghan Store), Fujiang Supermarket (Shuyuan Street Second Section Store), Suntory Comprehensive Supermarket, Aizhishang Flower Express (Wuchang Road Store), Hu Hai Market, Xinhua Bookstore (Guanghan Store) and so on.

Click to view more: details of Yanjiangyuan Community