Definition of judgment Medical malpractice

Medical malpractice is defined as the negligent operation of medical personnel, which includes: misdiagnosis, misuse of medication, misuse of injections, misuse of surgery, and misuse of nursing care. Any of these errors can directly affect the patient, such as death, disability, organ damage, tissue failure, tissue and organ dysfunction. This is never allowed in medical practice.

Analysis A: Ding went to the hospital because of fever, the medical staff gave him a skin-test-free antibiotic injection, in the process of infusion of "mental anomalies, inarticulate, do not recognize their relatives, strange behavior, impulsive", which is not directly related to fever, and skin-test-free antibiotics have no connection with the pharmacological effect (study). medicine are aware of the adverse screening of antibiotics). Doctors in the process of medical treatment is also "the right medicine" and there is no error, so it can not be called medical malpractice.

Analysis B: This case is often reported in the newspaper, often seen. But the premise is: the driver has not even been hospitalized, how to talk about medical malpractice?

Analysis C: Although Li's mishandling of the case nearly caused the patient's life to be in danger, the result was: the supervising physician found the patient out of danger in time, and the definition of medical malpractice is not consistent with the result.

Analysis D: medical students know that there are many reasons for acute appendicitis: ① poor appendiceal emptying is one of the main causes of appendicitis. Mainly due to the curved blind tube, the opening is small, the lumen is narrow, and peristalsis is very slow, so that the appendix lumen is very easy to block, often due to fecal matter (stone), food debris, roundworms, or foreign objects occur obstruction. ② appendix cavity outside the adhesions, fibrous strips, tumor compression can also cause obstruction. ③ short appendiceal mesentery, appendix twisted, small opening, when the gastrointestinal peristalsis dysfunction, appendiceal peristalsis will be reflexively weakened, slowed down, will also cause obstruction. At this time, bacteria invade the lumen, which causes inflammation. So: surgical removal is not necessarily a solution to its solution. Although there is no adverse reaction after surgery, it is important to understand that the appendix is in a position where it is susceptible to bacterial infection, and is prone to "wound breakdown, non-healing, or even ulceration". This is a medical misdiagnosis. The first step is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.