Introduction of Kiev Polytechnic Institute

The Kiev Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1898, covers an area of 160 hectares and is one of the oldest and largest engineering universities in the world. Mendeleev, the world's leading chemist, chaired the State Examination Board for graduates of the university in 1903; Kimashenka, an international expert in the mechanics of materials, taught there in 1906-1911 and 1918-1919; and Patton, the current President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is a graduate of the university.

In 1997 the 29th Plenary Session of the UNESCO General Conference resolved that the centennial of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute would be one of the most important UNESCO commemorative events to be held in 1998-1999, and in September 1998 the centennial of the Institute was celebrated with the presence of President Leonid Kuchma, who declared that the Kiev Polytechnic Institute would be named simultaneously the National University of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and that the President would give the name of the National University of Ukraine to those who had contributed to the education of the country. The President of the Republic also honored scholars and teachers who have made great contributions to the country's education, science, technology and industry with the following awards: "Meritorious Activist of Ukraine in Science and Technology", "Meritorious Educator of Ukraine". The current rector, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Mikhail. Zgulovsky was awarded the Presidential Prize Order of Merit.

The Kiev Polytechnic Institute has a large number of departments, faculties and centers, which are as follows:

I. 19 Departments (the note "English" is used for the departments that also teach in English)

Chemical Engineering (English) Electrical Engineering (English) Chemical Technology (English) Applied Pedagogy Aerospace Electro-Dynamics and Automation Thermal Dynamics Law Construction Equipment Language Management and Marketing Publishing and Printing Metal Physics Mathematical Physics Radio Technology Sociology Welding Physical Education Informatics and Computer Technology

Secondly, there are five Schools of Teaching and Research

The School of Applied Systems Analysis and Research, the School of Automation and Research for the Design of Power Projects and Systems, the School of Energy Supply and Management Research, the School of Physical Technology Research, the School of Machine Building; and the School of Mechanical Engineering. Machine Manufacturing Institute;

Third, 14 research institutes

Institute of Applied Electronic Engineering, Institute of Radio Electronics Technology, Institute of Experimental Research Automation, Institute of Laser Technology and Processes, Institute of Film and Television Technology and so on.

IV. 7 Engineering Research Centers

There are 44 academicians of the Academy of Sciences, 2000 professors, associate professors and teachers who are engaged in mathematics and research in the above mentioned faculties, institutes, institutes and centers. There are 32,800 students studying at the university, including 800 foreign students from more than 50 countries and 500 postgraduate students (80 of them are foreign students).

The Kiev Polytechnic Institute is actively engaged in scientific research in the following important areas related to the development of human society:

1. modern processes in the field of information, machine building, chemistry, material science, etc.

2. information networks and processes of television transmission of information;

3. nuclear catastrophes and elimination of the consequences of technological accidents;

4. energy reserves Problems of energy reserves and development of energy reserve processes;

5. Environmental monitoring and protection;

6. Improvement of the educational system including distance learning;

7. Research and use of human resources;

The Department of Matriculation of Foreign Students

Since the establishment of the University in 1898, more than 6,000 students from 112 countries have received higher education at Kiev Polytechnic Institute. students have earned advanced engineering degrees at Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Some of them became ministers, diplomats, cosmonauts, scientists, businessmen in different fields of science and technology. Currently foreign students can obtain the following degrees at the National Technical University of Ukraine: Bachelor's degree, Specialist, Master's degree in Engineering, Master's degree in Linguistics, Associate of Science (equivalent to PhD) and Doctor of Science.

Foreign students begin their studies at the Faculty of Preparatory Studies (FSPD), where they study one language (Ukrainian, Russian, English) for 10 months, and the subjects are taught according to the Ukrainian secondary school syllabus (depending on the chosen faculty), so that the students can get used to the new way of life in Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, they have the same rights and freedoms as local residents; free use of classrooms and school facilities, libraries, sports centers, sports equipment. Students will be accommodated in separate university dormitories (two students to a room), with living conditions determined by the contract signed.

Medical care will be covered by an insurance policy, which will be purchased by the applicant himself/herself from the Ukrainian insurance company "Medical Insurance of Ukraine" (the policy will be purchased after the applicant's arrival in Ukraine, the price of the policy will be 100$).

The Preparatory Faculty begins in September and ends on June 30 of the following year. The academic year is divided into two semesters, during which there are 12 days of vacation. The departments that teach in English are: Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology, Electronics, Informatics and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Students who have completed the program and passed the exams are awarded a standard certificate, which allows them to enter any higher educational institution in Ukraine, depending on the faculty of their choice, without having to take another exam.

A letter of invitation to the applicant from the university administration (if required) is the basic condition for obtaining a visa to Ukraine.

The tuition fee for the whole program in Ukrainian and Russian is 1000$, and in English 1500$ (for the preparatory faculty)

Brief description of the degrees awarded by the faculties and institutes

I. Aircraft and space systems 1. Machine engineering

1. Metrology, standardization, and certificates Harvesting machines

Intelligence and measuring systems Chemistry Manufacturing and construction material equipment

Metrology and measuring equipment Wood raw material processing technology

2. Aeronautical and space systems 2. Ecology

Vehicles Ecology and environmental protection

Vehicle control systems 3. Automation and computerized overall technology

3. Electronics Chemical and computerized overall technology

Communication technology and Methods Industrial Automation Control

4. Communication IV. Department of Chemistry

Communication Systems and Networks 1. Chemistry and Engineering

II. Department of Applied Mathematics Organic Chemistry

1. Applied Mathematics Inorganic Chemistry

Applied Mathematics Industrial Electrochemistry

2. Computer Engineering Polymer Technology and Fabrication Processes

Computer Systems and Networks Silicate and High Temperature Chemical Technology

Special Intentions Computer Systems Bioprocessing

3. Chemical Engineering V. Electronics

1. Electronics X. Languages

Physics and Bioelectronics Language and Literature

Microelectronics and Semiconductors Translation

Electronic Devices and Systems XI. Marketing and Management

Electronic Systems 1, Management

2, Computing Business Management

Computer Aided Design International Business Management

3, Computing Devices 2, Economics and Business

Production of Electronic Devices Economic Control

4, Acoustic Electronics Markets

Medical Acoustic and Bioacoustic Devices Same as XII. Department of Mechanical Design

Acoustic Devices and Systems 1. Instrumentation

Cinema Engineering Precision Mechanical Instrumentation

5. Telecommunications Non-hazardous Control Systems and Design

Telecommunication Systems and Networks Scientific Analysis and Eco-Design

6. Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Automation Instrument Manufacturing Technology

1. Electrical Power Engineering Medical Facilities and Systems

1. Systems

Power Stations 2. Laser

Power Systems and Networks Laser

Power Supply and Production Control Systems XIII. Publishing and Printing

High Voltage Devices and Electrophysics 1. Art

Electronic Devices and Instrumentation Modern and Applied Art Decorative Arts

2. Electro-Mechanics 2. Press, Publishing and I Management

Electronic Controls and Automation Electronic Mechanical Systems Business Management Methods

VII. Department of Thermal Mechanics 3. Light Industry

1. Thermal Machinery Publishing and Printing

Thermal Stations 4. Machine Engineering

Thermal Mechanics Printing Machines

Thermal Physics XIV. Department of Physical Metallurgy

Atomic Energy Engineering 1. Engineered Raw Materials

Reactors Synthetic and Powder Materials and Coatings

2. Automation and Computerized Integral Technology Physical Raw Materials

Automation and Control of Industrial Processes Physical Metallurgy

Computerized Integral Fabrication and Manufacturing 2. Metallurgy

viii. Department of Computerized Information Engineering Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Casting

1. p>

Computer Information Systems and Technology XV. Department of Physics and Mathematics

2. Computer Systems Automation and Control 1. Physics

Automated Control Systems 2. Mathematics

Precision Computer Systems and Robotics XVI. Department of Physical Education and Physical Education

Computer Systems and Networks 1.

1, Law Physical Rehabilitation

Jurisprudence XVII, Department of Radio Engineering

1, Radio Engineering Information Technology

Radio Engineering XXII, School of Physics and Technology

Radio and Communication Systems Applied Physics

Wireless Electronic Devices and Systems Applied Mathematical Informatics

2, Electronic Devices Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Production of Electronic Devices Mechanical Engineering

Biotechnology and Medical Instruments and Systems Machine Dynamics

Household Electrical Appliances Mechanical Manufacturing

XVIII Faculty of Social Sciences Mechanical Tools and Mechanical Systems

1. Sociology Tool Manufacturing

Social Work Plate Forming and Forging Equipment

Administration Hydraulic and Aerodynamic Devices

XIX. Welding Department Raw Material Processes for Special Crafts

1. Welding XXIV. Faculty of Energy Conservation and Energy Management

Welding Technological Equipment Electrical Engineering

Welding Facilities Electric Power Systems for Electric Power Supplies

Restoration and Enhancement of Construction Machines Electrical Machinery

Technical equipment for durability Electronic control and automation Electro-mechanical faculty

XX. Faculty of Applied Systems Analysis Electro-mechanical loading of power products

Computing XXV. Mining

Intelligent systems Resource storage of extractable minerals

Applied Mathematics Mineral Resources and Underground Structures

Systems Analysis and Control XXVI. Ecology

Social Information Ecology and Environmental Protection

XXI. Faculty of Energy and Automated Systems Design


Software Design for Automated Systems

Duration of study for the different degrees:

Preparatory faculty for foreign students: 1 year Undergraduate: 4 years

Master's degree: 2 years Doctoral: 2-3 years

Duration of study for the different degrees:

Preparatory faculty for foreign students: 1 year Undergraduate: 4 years

Master's degree: 2 years Ph. PhD: 2-3 years

Tuition fees

Foundation: 1000$ (1500$ in English)

Undergraduate: 1300$ and up (2000$-3000$ in English)

Master's: 1300$-1600$

The duration of study for different degrees. 1600$

PhD: 2000$

Cost of living: Accommodation: 400$ or more Food: 1500$

Note: The school reserves the right to adjust the fees on a yearly basis.

Note: The school may increase the tuition fee by 5%-10% per year, so the latest fee of the school shall prevail.