Interview for foreign trade business, help me translate the following sentence

Although I lack real-life experience in foreign trade, I performed well in my major at school. I am also dedicated to this field and love this type of of work.

Although I lack real-life experience in foreign trade, I performed well in my major at school. I am also dedicated to this field and love this type of

Although I lack real-life experience in foreign trade, I performed well in my major at school. I am also dedicated to this field and love this type of work, so I believe I have the ability to get the job done well.

I think that this translation is more authentic, sincere, and in some places I take the Italian translation, because that way it is a little bit smooth.

Good luck with your interview, and if you have any questions, please ask, and I hope you'll take them in time--? Thanks ⌒_⌒