The difference between laser skin rejuvenation and photon skin rejuvenation

Photon is a kind of laser, in medical cosmetology, it is called Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), but there is a difference between the two kinds, the biggest characteristic of laser is monochromatic (there is only one kind of wavelength) and non-dispersive (the energy can be gathered in one point). The most important characteristics of photons are their broad spectrum (a wide range of wavelengths, from 500 to 1200 nm) and their divergence (energy is not gathered). This also leads to the difference in the problems they each solve. The laser has the strongest therapeutic effect due to its consistent wavelength (a single spectrum) and concentrated energy, but it also has a single tissue that it can work on at a time.

Photon due to a very broad spectrum, energy dispersion leads to each time it can act on the target tissue than the laser more, but each time the therapeutic effect is weaker than the laser. Because the photon device emits a spectrum from 500 to 1200nm at a time, which includes the absorption bands of various color bases such as moisture, melanin, hemoglobin (red blood), so the photon device can solve a variety of problems at the same time. But certain items that require high-intensity heat action it can't achieve.

Then whether it is suitable for laser skin rejuvenation or photonic skin rejuvenation needs to depend on each person's skin condition suitable for which.