Answers to Written and Interview Questions to Test Reaction Skills

1. Worm

There is a type of worm that splits every two seconds. The two new worms after splitting split again after two seconds. If initially there is only one worm in a particular bottle, it becomes two after two seconds, and four after another two seconds? After two minutes, the bottle is exactly full of little worms. Now two such little worms are initially placed in this bottle.

Q: After how much time does it happen to be a full bottle as well?

2. Encounters

A small town in the United States has a fleet of 17 small public **** cars that spend their days transporting passengers back and forth between two small towns, Green Mountain and Green Water, which are 197 kilometers apart. The drivers of each car take an eight-minute break when they arrive at the town. The driver, Jack, drove from the town of Green Mountain at 10:20 a.m., and on his way he occasionally met (sometimes driving head-on, sometimes passing each other) a car from this fleet. He arrived in the town of Greenbrier at 1:55 p.m. and took a break to realize that none of the other drivers from our team were there. With no companions to talk to, Jack quietly reminisced about the ones from his home team that he had just met on the road.

Q: How many cars from this convoy did Jack meet in one ****?

3. Dating

Dr. Matrix's daughter, Miss Ava, was his only child with his Japanese wife, and she was a wonderful beauty. No wonder Mr. Martin was attracted to her. However, the young lady is shy by nature, so if he asks her to dinner outright, he may be rejected. Mr. Martin racked his brains to find a solution to this problem.

Suddenly, on a whim, he remembered a trick taught to him by the Harvard mathematician Gilby Baker. Baker taught him a brilliant plan, and he was overjoyed.

"My dear, I have two questions to ask you, and both can only be answered: %26lsquo;Yes%26rsquo; or %26lsquo;No%26rsquo;, no other statements allowed. But before the formal questions, I want to speak with you in advance, you must listen clearly before solemnly answering, and the answer to both questions must be logically completely reasonable, not contradictory." He said to Ava.

Ava frowned slightly, feeling very amused, so she said brightly, "Fine! Then please ask the question!"

Q: How should Mr. Martin ask the question to achieve the purpose of inviting Miss Ava to dinner?

4.30 seconds to answer:

(1) Where do you always find happiness?

(2) What does a man always put in first when he walks into his garden?

(3) What gets dirtier the more you wash it?

(4) What can carry a hundred bales of hay but not a single grain of sand?

(5) What becomes more popular the more it is broken?

(6) What is never eaten at breakfast?

(7) What can't be magnified by a magnifying glass?

(8) What is the one thing that increases by half when you turn it upside down?

(1) When you are walking from west to east, you soon turn left at an angle of two hundred and seventy degrees, then turn backward, then turn left at an angle of ninety degrees, and finally turn backward again. May I ask in which direction you ended up walking?

(2) In the twentieth century, there was a year which, when written in Arabic numerals, looked like this year when viewed from the front, and still looked like this year when viewed from the back. May I ask which year this refers to?

(3) What is the smallest number that can be made from three matches (without breaking or bending the matches)?

(4) There is a tall, narrow glass cylinder in which a fresh egg is placed. If you are not allowed to tilt the glass cylinder or use any clamps to pick up the egg, what is the best way to remove the egg?

(5) London, England, a company purchaser Jeff often travel to Paris, France, and each time by train. Once, he had to travel to Paris, France, but his first half of the journey is by plane, which is eight times faster than his usual train to go; and his second half of the journey is by train and car to reach Paris, France, the speed of the train than his usual to be half slower. Does he save time on his business trip to Paris, France, by traveling by train? Why?

(6) How many times does a walking wall clock coincide with the minute hand and the hour hand in twenty-four hours?

(7) If you are given a long piece of thick copper wire to extinguish the flame of a lighted candle, but you are not allowed to touch the candle with the wire, what can be done?

(8) There is an iron wire which, if cut with pliers, remains a wire of equal length. What shape of wire is it?

(9) Astronaut Carter was signing autographs for visitors with the tap pen he had brought with him before he went into space in his spaceship. Once he was in space, he was busy writing in his diary with this pen. Can you believe it?

(10) Twelve people are going to cross a river, and there is only one boat that can carry three people. How many times will it take for all twelve people to cross the river?

6. The Mystery of the Modern Sphinx

The Sphinx was a winged lioness demon in ancient Greek mythology. Legend has it that she asked people to guess riddles near Thebes, and if they couldn't, they had to kill them. Once, she had to ask the prince of Thebes to guess the riddle: "There is an animal that has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night, what animal is it?" The wise prince said, "It is a man." He guessed correctly.

What kind of questions would you ask if you were a modern-day sphinx? For example, what sign could be added between 1 and 0 to make the resulting number larger than 0 and smaller than 1? Do you know?