Founded: 1852
Location: Bath, Avon
Number of students: 7,110
Nature of the institution: public
Overview of the institution
The history of Bath Spa University dates back to 1852. The College of Art was established. It is a medium-sized school with around 5,500 students, offering pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in disciplines ranging from art and design, performing arts, education, humanities, business and management. It also has links with more than 50 institutions in Europe, North and Southeast Asia, the United States and Africa.
Every year, students from 35 to 40 different countries come to Bath Springs to study a wide range of courses. International students make up about 3% of the total student body.
The school has two beautiful campuses, in the city of Bath and on the outskirts. The larger campus in Newton Park is four miles west of Bath. The other campus at Mount Zion is in the city.
The University was assessed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as 'Outstanding' in both English and Environmental Studies. In the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) assessment, Sociology, Environmental Biology, Art and Design, Psychology, Business Studies, Religious Studies and Education all received an outstanding score of 22 (out of a maximum of 24).
Many students from China are enrolled in our Business Studies program. We also offer a Masters program in Creating and Developing Your Business.
Bathsprings is the only university in the UK to have been awarded the Center for Excellence in Education (CETL) for Creativity and the Arts and for Enterprise and Employability. (CETL).
The University has been assessed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as 'Outstanding' in both English and Environmental Studies. In the Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) assessment, Sociology, Environmental Biology, Art and Design, Psychology, Business Studies, Religious Studies and Education all scored 22 out of a possible 24.
School Facilities
All courses are based on the Newton Park Campus, with the exception of Art and Design. The campus is set in beautifully landscaped green spaces, the entire layout of which was created by Capability Brown, the famous 18th century landscape architect. There are lakes, nature reserves, forests and farmland, as well as many historic buildings. It is well served by buses and is about 20 minutes from the city center.
The campus has a modern library (where the employment office is also located), lecture halls, laboratories and seminar rooms. The Students' Union (SU) building houses student union offices, a large bar and public **** lounge, a bookstore and stationery store. The Students' Union store sells a wide range of groceries and won the University's Best Shop award in 2003 and 2006. The cafeteria serves a variety of well-prepared meals, as well as light snacks. In their spare time students can make full use of the social and sporting facilities on campus. The Michael Tippett Centre also hosts many performances and exhibitions. It is the only purpose-built concert hall in Bath and serves both teaching and as a major arts venue. The new University Theatre opened in October 2006, with film director Ken Loach as one of the patrons. The Department of Creative Music Technology is the first validated digital training facility in Europe, with two very well-equipped digital recording studios with Apple Mac G4s computers running Pro Tools and Logic Audio Platinum software. There are also three Apple Mac G4 Pro Tools/Logic Audio labs here, each machine inside supporting sample production, synthesis and hard disk recording. Midge Ure describes it as "Disneyland for musicians."
The Art and Design program, and the Department of English Language are located on the Mount Zion campus, just north of Bath. The Department of English Language offers a year-round 'English for Non-Native Speakers' program and summer English classes. The campus is a mixture of modern buildings and ancient structures such as the Georgian Crescent Palace, for which Bath is famous. The campus is surrounded by beautiful gardens. Originally these gardens belonged to a 19th century mansion. The building was destroyed in the war, but the gardens survived. Facilities on campus include a library, student accommodation in converted Georgian row houses, a stationery store, student union offices, a bar and restaurant. There is also a slide library with a collection of some 40,000 slides. The workspace includes graphic design studios; electronic media studios; art, textiles and sculpture studios; wood, copperplate, lithography and screen-printing studios, and a photographic darkroom.
First Year Studies: Completion of high school, IELTS 4.5, and an appropriate portfolio of art/music work.
Undergraduate studies:
Pass two subject examinations at GCE/Vocational Education Advanced Level (non-General Studies), or one double degree examination at Vocational Education Advanced Level, and three other subject examinations at GCSE level.
Or pass three subjects equivalent to GCE/Higher Vocational Education level and one other subject equivalent to GCSE level.
Or hold a BTEC National Diploma or Certificate and pass three other GCSE subjects with good grades.
Or have a high school diploma.
Or have other equivalent qualifications such as Matriculation Studies.
Non-native speakers of English will also have to pass the IELTS test with a score of 6.0 (we will also consider admitting applicants with an IELTS of 5.5, but such applicants will have to complete pre-semester and during-study English language support courses, and may even have to take further English language courses).
Postgraduate programs: a good first class degree with an IELTS of no less than 6.5 (some programs require a higher score).
Pre-Masters courses: good first class degree and IELTS 5.5.
University of Aberdeen
Location: East of Scotland, Aberdeen
Founded: 1495
★ Overview
The University of Aberdeen was founded in 1495 as the UK's fifth oldest university, and has grown over the centuries. The University has 43 departments and 4 faculties - the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, and the Faculty of Arts and Divinity. All 43 departments and research centers have master's and doctoral programs and offer more than 400 degree programs. Among the undergraduate programs are Business Management Engineering, Accounting, Finance, Business Law, Computing, Computer Science, Information Systems and Computing, Information Systems and Management, International Relations, Land Management, Biochemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Rural Business Management, Urban Planning, and many more; and postgraduate programs include: MBA MBA, Business Law, Economics, Educational Management, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Finance and Investment Management, Information Technology IT, E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, International Business Law and so on. The University of Aberdeen's employment and progression rates are consistently above 95%, with around 97% of graduates finding employment or further study within 6 months of graduation each year, and there have been 4 Nobel Prize winners.
The University of Aberdeen offers a wide range of excellent facilities for its students, including a beautiful central campus with ancient buildings, modern state-of-the-art laboratories, up-to-date computing facilities and the latest library technology. The University is currently investing £240 million in building a wide range of resources for student use, including a new main library and student center. The University of Aberdeen has an impressive range of computer classrooms, many of which are open throughout the day, and Wi-Fi can be accessed at hotspot locations throughout the campus. Students can log on to the internet or send and receive emails for free. The University of Aberdeen prides itself on its support network for students, which includes a medical placement office, a student advisory center, an international student advisor, multiple chapels, and a confidential counseling service. The University ensures that all new students are provided with either on-campus, university-managed accommodation or private accommodation close to campus. The International Support Advisor at the University of Aberdeen is the first person that international students coming to the University from countries other than the UK will come into contact with. The advisor will personally welcome students on arrival and can help them with any visa or immigration related matters. The University of Aberdeen has excellent on-campus sports facilities, including a swimming pool, sports pitches, a cardiac exercise studio, a performance gymnasium and a brand new sports center.
★ Features of the University
The University of Aberdeen is one of the six oldest universities in the United Kingdom, and is ranked 129th in the World University Rankings (according to the Times World University Rankings 2009) and in the top 33 of the UK Universities (according to the Times UK Universities Rankings 2010) Having been awarded the Nobel Prize for four of its researchers, including the inventor of insulin. Biological sciences are its strongest subject, and environmental sciences, social sciences, law, MBA and financial investment are also strong areas of the university. The university teaches English free of charge to overseas students during semesters, and the university arranges for orientation at airports or tram stops. In a recent research assessment, 10 departments at the University of Aberdeen received a high rating of 5 out of 5, indicating that they are at the leading international level. As a result, 85% of the University of Aberdeen's academic staff work in departments that are considered national or international centers of scholarship.
★ Institutional Strengths
1. Outstanding quality of teaching and a wide range of specializations, ranked as one of the best 20 star universities in the UK.
2. 89% of the school's 450 undergraduate and postgraduate programs are rated as excellent or good. The School of Law is considered one of the top law schools in the UK, and the international and commercial law offered is particularly suitable for Chinese students.
3. No need to study matriculation, high school graduates can go straight to undergraduate, more than 300 courses to choose from, study three-year general degree
4. Students without language scores, can first in the university's language center language training, complete the course of the students can be directly enrolled in the degree program, without the need to take the IELTS/TOEFL.
5. Students can stay after graduation in Students can stay in Scotland for two years after graduation, and the university will help international students to find suitable jobs. 2003, the University of Aberdeen was ranked by The Times as the first of the "Ten Most Employable Universities".
6. The University of Aberdeen is a leading research university with a strong record of excellence in both teaching and research. In the 1996 Research Assessment, 92% of the University's faculty were rated as active in research, the 7th highest rate in the UK. Today, the University of Aberdeen's research strength continues to grow year on year. The University of Aberdeen is ranked 40th in the overall UK university rankings. The strongest majors include land economics, law, finance, business administration, computer engineering, medicine, and environmental/biological sciences. 89% of the 450 existing programs are rated "excellent" or "good" in the assessment of teaching quality, including Aberdeen Law School, which is the best 5-star law school in Scotland and ranked among the top 10 in the UK. In 1999, the university was ranked 11th in the UK university rankings and in the top 5 in some areas. There are currently 10,000 students enrolled, 16% of whom are postgraduates and 14% of whom are international students from 94 countries.
★ University life
Students at the University of Aberdeen feel that the university offers them an unrivaled place to socialize. The University's Students' Union sponsors more than 150 clubs and societies and has one of the highest numbers of sports clubs of any Scottish university. The University also has a wide range of cultural, political, spiritual, dramatic and subject-based societies for students, which organize regular events and social activities. The university has a well-organized international society which organizes activities for students from all over the world.
Students at the University of Aberdeen can enjoy a great natural environment, with the University's proximity to scenic countryside and beautiful sea views all around, and the city of Aberdeen caters for all tastes in the arts, culture, leisure and entertainment. Aberdeen is Scotland's third largest city and offers a lively combination of historic charm, a thriving economy and the idea of a global community.
Entry Period
January, September
★ Entry Requirements
Bachelor's Degree: IELTS 6.0 (6.0 in writing, 5.5 in other)
IBT 87 (23 in speaking, 21 in other)
Pharmacy: IELTS 7.0 (7.0 in speaking, 6.0 in writing, other 5.5)
IBT 100 (Speaking 28, Reading 22, Other 21)
Master's program: IELTS 6.0 (Writing 6.0, Other 5.5) or higher
IBT 90 (Speaking 23, Reading 22, Other 21) or higher
Some programs require IELTS 7.0 (Writing 6.0, Other 5.5) or higher
IBT 100 (23 speaking, 22 reading, 21 other)