What is wrong with electrical defibrillation is that it is ineffective if it does not convert fine fibrillation to coarse fibrillation.
With the advantages of high efficacy, fast action, easy operation and safer compared with drugs, it is widely used in the army at all levels of medical units. Defibrillator principle of operation: with a strong pulse current through the heart to eliminate arrhythmia, so that the method of restoring sinus rhythm, known as shock defibrillation or electric resuscitation.
Pacing and defibrillation are the use of exogenous electric current to treat arrhythmia, both for the modern treatment of arrhythmia. The difference between cardiac pacing and cardiac defibrillation is that the latter shock resuscitation acts on the heart with an instantaneous high-energy pulse, generally of 4 to 10 ms duration, with an electrical energy of 40 to 400 J (joules).
Electrical defibrillation is introduced as follows:
The application of electrical defibrillation is an important part of cardiac resuscitation, if it is clear that the ventricular fibrillation should be a monophasic defibrillator 300J defibrillation, or electrode plate placement: commonly used in the chest left and right method. That is, one electrode plate is placed on the right side of the sternum at the second intercostal space. The other electrode plate is placed in the left nipple below the tip of the heart. The center point of the electrode plate is on the anterior axillary line. The left and right electrode plates should be more than 10cm apart.
Electrical defibrillation is a method of terminating ventricular fibrillation by shocking the heart with a certain amount of electrical current. It is an effective method of treating ventricular fibrillation, and DC defibrillation is the most widely used method today.
The original defibrillator is the use of industrial alternating current direct defibrillation, this defibrillator often due to electrocution and casualties, therefore, in addition to cardiac surgical procedures there is also the use of alternating current in vivo defibrillation (ventricular defibrillation), are generally used in the direct current defibrillation.
Automatic external defibrillators, also known as automated external defibrillators, automated shock generators, automatic defibrillators, cardiac defibrillators, and shock generators for dummies, are portable medical devices that diagnose specific cardiac arrhythmias and defibrillate them with electric shocks, and can be used by non-specialized personnel to resuscitate patients with sudden cardiac death.
The AED is easy to operate and can be used with a little training, and is designed for on-site first aid. In a sense, the AED is not only a piece of first aid equipment, but also a new concept of first aid, one in which the earliest witnesses at the scene provide effective first aid.
It is different from the traditional defibrillator, which can be analyzed by the built-in computer and determine whether the patient needs to be defibrillated. During defibrillation, the AED's voice prompts and on-screen display make operation easier. AEDs can be operated by most people with only a few hours of training.