I. Intel platforms
Cpu: Intel Core i3 2 100 (box) ¥750
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-h 6 1m-D2p-B3 649/ MSI PH67-C43 680/ MSI H6 1m-E33 (B3) 550.
Graphics card: sapphire HD6750 5 12MB GDDR5 platinum edition 599
Memory: weigang 4GB DDR3 1333 (colorful) ¥ 150.
Hard disk: WD 500GB blue disk $280
Chassis: Hangjia Night H507 ¥ 175
Power supply: Hangjia cold drill WIN7/ Great Wall mute master BTX-400SD ¥250 (almost all prices are 250, rated power is 300W).
Optical drive: pioneer DVR-2 19 CHV 160.
Display: aoc919sw+699/aoc919sw699/aoce941s730.
Keyboard and mouse set: Logitech MK200 keyboard and mouse set is $99
Speaker: rambler r 10 1v 155.
Total price: ¥ 3,960
Second, AMD platform.
Cpu:AMD Athlon II X4 640 (box) ¥680
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-770t-D3L (Rev.1.0) 570/MSI 870s-G46 599/
MSI 870-C45V2 549
Graphics card: sapphire HD6750 5 12MB GDDR5 platinum edition 599
Memory: weigang 4GB DDR3 1333 (colorful) ¥ 150.
Hard disk: WDWD WD WD5000AAKX 500GB Blu-ray Disc $275.
Chassis: Hangjia Night H507 ¥ 175
Power supply: Hangjia cold drill WIN7/ Great Wall mute master BTX-400SD ¥250 (almost all prices are 250, rated power is 300W).
Optical drive: pioneer DVR-2 19CHV (burner) ¥ 160.
Display: aoc919sw+699/aoc919sw699/aoce941s730.
Keyboard and mouse set: Logitech MK200 keyboard and mouse set is $99
Speaker: rambler r 10 1v 155.
Total price: ¥ 3,800
My brother bought it according to this, and the price is similar to that total price. Master Lu scored 2852 points.