Wuhan Haode Medical Device Case

Assembling the computer configuration sheet was made by my family last summer. Now the price is definitely down, and some can be adjusted according to their own needs. Overall, these two models are good.

I. Intel platforms

Cpu: Intel Core i3 2 100 (box) ¥750

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-h 6 1m-D2p-B3 649/ MSI PH67-C43 680/ MSI H6 1m-E33 (B3) 550.

Graphics card: sapphire HD6750 5 12MB GDDR5 platinum edition 599

Memory: weigang 4GB DDR3 1333 (colorful) ¥ 150.

Hard disk: WD 500GB blue disk $280

Chassis: Hangjia Night H507 ¥ 175

Power supply: Hangjia cold drill WIN7/ Great Wall mute master BTX-400SD ¥250 (almost all prices are 250, rated power is 300W).

Optical drive: pioneer DVR-2 19 CHV 160.

Display: aoc919sw+699/aoc919sw699/aoce941s730.

Keyboard and mouse set: Logitech MK200 keyboard and mouse set is $99

Speaker: rambler r 10 1v 155.

Total price: ¥ 3,960

Second, AMD platform.

Cpu:AMD Athlon II X4 640 (box) ¥680

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-770t-D3L (Rev.1.0) 570/MSI 870s-G46 599/

MSI 870-C45V2 549

Graphics card: sapphire HD6750 5 12MB GDDR5 platinum edition 599

Memory: weigang 4GB DDR3 1333 (colorful) ¥ 150.

Hard disk: WDWD WD WD5000AAKX 500GB Blu-ray Disc $275.

Chassis: Hangjia Night H507 ¥ 175

Power supply: Hangjia cold drill WIN7/ Great Wall mute master BTX-400SD ¥250 (almost all prices are 250, rated power is 300W).

Optical drive: pioneer DVR-2 19CHV (burner) ¥ 160.

Display: aoc919sw+699/aoc919sw699/aoce941s730.

Keyboard and mouse set: Logitech MK200 keyboard and mouse set is $99

Speaker: rambler r 10 1v 155.

Total price: ¥ 3,800

My brother bought it according to this, and the price is similar to that total price. Master Lu scored 2852 points.