Not outdated, in many cases only removable dentures. Many middle-aged and elderly people will go to the hospital for missing teeth, and the doctor will recommend either dentures or fixed dentures according to the patient's specific situation.
1. It is easier to keep the dentures clean. If the bacteria on top of the dentures are not scrubbed away, these bacteria will grow and multiply, discharging bacterial toxins and causing inflammation of the oral mucosa. In addition, it is easy to embed food between dentures and real teeth and lead to tooth decay. Active dentures are easy to remove and wear, cleaning is very convenient, can avoid inflammation and reduce other dental damage.
2, set movable dentures on the real teeth damage. Fixed dentures to grind the missing teeth on both sides of the real teeth, like building bridges, real teeth on both sides of the bridge is quite a bridge abutment, the real teeth damage is very big; different with fixed dentures, activity dentures will not be so troublesome, only need to grind a hook to put the position can be.
3, widely used. Whether you are missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, or all the teeth are gone, you can set the movable dentures.
4, flexible design. No matter how many teeth are missing, activity dentures can restore the integrity of the teeth, if the patient's mouth conditions allow, but also can be changed to fixed dentures and dental implants.
Expanded Information
Precautions for wearing movable dentures
When you first start wearing movable dentures, you will have a lot of drooling, unclear speech, bad retention, nausea, etc. This is a common phenomenon, which will gradually disappear after a period of time to adapt to the doctor's adjustments.
After missing teeth, some old people wear unsuitable dentures for a long time or have never set dentures, forming an incorrect occlusal relationship, which affects the fixation of dentures and chewing function. Therefore, after wearing dentures, it is necessary to practice biting things with the back teeth to correct the bad biting habits.
People's Daily News - Do you use movable dentures?