? , ? , ? , ? , ?
? , ? , ? , ?
[plB:nt; (? @) 5plAnt]
Trees and vegetables are plants.
a power plant
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Have you planted any vegetables yet?
in, on
( 3)
--------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
plant out
? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?
? , ? ?
? , ? ; ?
(? , )
? , ? , ? , ?
[?] ? , ? ?
? , ? , ; ? ; ? ; ?
a tomato plant
cabbage plants
plant food
the humble (sensitive) plant
plant hormone
plant louse
power plant
? , ? , ? ; ? , ?
? , ? (?) , ? ? (?)
? (? , ), ? (?) ?
? , ?
? , ? (?)
? , ?
[?] ? , ? ; ?
? , ? , [?] , (?)
? , ? , ? (?)
? ()? ;
(?) ? (? , ? , ?) ?
plant a garden
plant guards at the entrance
plant ideas in mind
a planted story
plant one's fists in sb.'s face
plant stolen goods on sb.
? ()
, ?
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
in plant
, ?
lose plant
miss plant
fall in plant
plant oneself
plant out
. p>()?
plant sth. on sb.
acid plant
adsorption plant
aerial plant
aggregate plant
air plant
air conditioning plant
? (?) The air conditioning plant (?)
Air plant
all-metal plant
altitude plant
alumina calcination plant
amalgamating plant
amphibious plant
annealing plant
aquatic plant
arms plant
aromatic plant
asphalt plant
assembly plant
, ; ?
atomic energy plant
assembly plant
, ; ?
attacked plant
automatic flour handling plant
automatic generating plant
automatic controlled plant
autotrophic plant
auxiliary plant
auxiliary power plant
bilge-pumping plant
blowing plant
; ?
breeder plant
? , ?
candle plant
canning plant
captive processing plant
Canning plant
captive processing plant
captive processing plant
carnivorous plant
casing head plant
causticizing plant
cement plant
cementing plant
central heating plant
central refrigerating plant
chalk plant
chamber plant
charcoal revivifying plant
charging plant
chemical plant
chemical purification plant
cleaning plant
, ,
close relative plant
coal handling plant
coal separating plant
coal-fired powerplant
coal washing plant
coffee plant
, ? (?)
Coffee plant
, ?
coke-oven plant
coking plant
cold storage plant
combined steam and gas turbine power plant
? ;
commercial plant
common plant
compact plant
common plant
compact plant
complete plant
complex plant
; (?)
compressed air plant
concentration plant
condensing plant
conservation plant
; ?
construction plant
? ,
continuous service hydraulic power plant
control plant
controlled plant
conventional thermal power plant
converter plant
; ; ?
cooling plant
, ;
cracked-distillate rerun plant
cracking plant
data logging plant
demineralizing plant
demonstration plant
; ;
dioecious plant
discontinuous rectifying plant
disinfection plant
distilling plant
dominant plant
double-duty plant
drawing plant
drying plant
dust removing plant
educational plant
, ?
electric power plant
electrosmelting plant
elevator plant
embryonic plant
engine plant
engine test plant
ephemeral plant
eurychoric plant
evaporation plant
exchange plant
experimental plant
external plant
extraction plant
fabrication plant
farm-tool manufacturing and repair plant
feed plant
female plant
fermentation plant
fibre plant
filleting plant
filter plant
fish meal plant
Fixed plant
floating pile-driving plant
floating power plant
fodder plant
food plant
forage plant
forcing plant
forest plants
fractional ton refrigerating plant
freezing plant
fuel electric plant
garbage disposal plant
gas-making plant
gas-power plant
gas-turbine power plant
generating plant
? , ;
gin plant
going plant
, ,
grading plant
grain drying plant
grease-making plant
ground-testing plant
haulage plant
heat-engine plant
heating plant
heavy electrical plant
heliophilous plant
heliophobous plant
herbaceous plant
hiemal plants
high pressure steam power plant
high-voltage plant
hot-dip tinning plant
hothouse plant
house plant
humus plant
hydraulic plant
hydrogen fluoride recovery plant
hydrophilous plant
, ;
ice-making plant
idle plant
impregnating plant
? , ,
indication plants
indigenous plant
, ?
indoor thermal power plant
insectivorous plant
insect-pollinated plant
inside plant
instrument plant
interlocking plant
internal plant
introduced plant
irrigation plant
irritable plant
isolated plant
? (?) ? , ?
land plant
loading plant
long-day plant
machine tool plant
marine plant
marsh plant
maternal plant
, ?
meat packing plant
? (?)
Mother plant
, ?
meat producing plant
medicinal plant
metallurgical plant
milk plant
milk powder plant
milling plant
millwork plant
mining-machinery plant
mixing plant
mogul plant
monitoring plant
monoecious plant
multipurpose plant
municipal sewage plant
nightsoil treatment plant
nitrate plant
nitric plant
nuclear power plant
nuclear separation plant
nuclear-energy plant
, ?
obligatory plant
oil plant
oil refining plant
oil splitting plant
oil-dehydrating plant
oil-extraction plant
open-air plant
, ,
open-hearth plant
ornamental plant
. out-door plant
oxygen generating plant
parasite vascular plant
paternal plant
perennial plants
perfume plant
pilot plant
pneumatic plant
? ,
poisonous plant
polishing plant
pollen plant
; ()
potted plant
power plant
, ;
processing plant
? ;
producer gas plant
production plant
propelling plant
, , ,
proportioning plant
< p> pumping plant?
push-button bulk plant
radio plant
, ?
rail loading plant
rail welding plant
range plant
reactor plant
rear plants
reclamation plant
recooling plant
recycle fuels plant
reduction plant
, , , , ?
refining plant
reforming plant
refrigeration plant
, , , ,
refuse destructor plant
p> refuse pyrolysis plant
remote signalling plant
? ,
remote-controlled plant
reprocessing plant
rerunning plant
resurrection plant
roasting plant
rosette plants
? , ? , ?
rubber yielding plant
saccharophylous plant
sack filling plant
sand plant
sauce dipping plant
Sand plant
sauce dipping plant
scandent plant
school plant
secondary plant
seed plant
select plant
self-conditioned power plant
self-root plant
semi- industrial gas turbine plant
? ()
sensitive plant
sewage plant
? (?)
sensitive plant
sewage plant
shade plant
shallow rooted plant
short-day plant
skip winding plant
slag-grinding plant
slaughtering plant
small hydro-electric plant
smelting plant
solar air power plant
solar-power plant
spare plant
spray plant
spray-painting plant
stand-by plant
; ;
steam-power plant
? , ? , ; ; ?
sterilization plant
stock plant
stump plant
stock plant
subaquatic plant
sugar plant
sugar dissolving plant
sulfur recovery plant
sun plant
supercritical steam power plant
switching plant
, ?
tar boiling plant (=tar distillery)
tea plant
technical plant
; ?
terminal treatment plant
test plant
tidal power plant
tin-refining plant
? [?]
toluene plant
transforming plant
treating plant
, (?)
tropical plant
turbine plant
, ?
underground nuclear power plant
unit plant
; ?
vacuum plant
vacuum cleaning plant
vacuum distillation plant
ventilation plant
vulcanizing plant
waste plant
waste disposal plant
waste gas cleaning plant
waste recovery power plant
water purification plant
water-softening plant
welding plant
wet-type fettling plant
whole plant
wind tunnel plant
wine plant
; ? ,
winter plant
? (?)
wood preserving plant
wrist watch plant
zoidogamic plant
establish fix root settle sow