I'm worried that the dentist's tools are not cleanly sterilized, what should I do?

Worried that the dentist's tools are not clean: the equipment used in dentistry is disposable, dental handpieces and all the instruments are, after high temperature and high pressure sterilization, really do not feel confident that you can choose to go to a more formal hospital treatment can be.

As long as the doctor strictly reasonable use of equipment and strict sterilization on the good, and at the same time to see if the use of the injection is thrown away, the general problem is not big. And dental instruments are generally single-use materials, or the use of high-temperature high-pressure sterilization, if only with iodine disinfection is not complete. It is recommended that you go to a specialist hospital stomatology or a large formal hospital for dental fillings.

There are many types of dental instruments, complex shapes, frequent use, serious pollution, sterilization is difficult. Dental instruments are considered to be the vectors of blood-borne diseases such as Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), AIDS virus (HIV) and other infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Extended information:

Dental instrument sterilization is introduced as follows:

Oral instruments have a traditional disinfection in situ on the spot. Such as dental drill handpiece with iodine, iodine, ethanol wipe or fumigation disinfection with natural volatile formalin, so that some of the instruments that penetrate the mucous membrane can not achieve complete sterilization. Therefore, the result of disinfection can still be detected on the instrument surviving bacteria, latent blood and HBsAg positive.

Dry heat sterilization method is suitable for metal instruments that are not afraid of high temperature, glass instruments. Such as non-disposable curved disk, dental tines, dental chisel, filling device, glass palette. Will be clean and dry instruments placed in the dry heat sterilizer, 180 ℃ role of 60min can achieve sterilization requirements.

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