What should be prepared for the township health emergency inspection

Emergency equipment and material stockpiles

I hardware configuration of the section that undertakes the function of health emergency

(1) equipped with telephones, fax machines, computers with Internet access, printers, filing cabinets and other office equipment;

(2) the main system of emergency staff job duties, information reporting and emergency disposal process on the wall.

Two emergency squad equipment

Equipped with protective gear for emergency response, sampling kits, extermination equipment and emergency investigation and disposal kits (boxes) (containing the necessary pens, questionnaires, emergency response plans, toolkits, etc.).

Three emergency preparedness room

Conditional community health centers (health centers) to set up an emergency preparedness room, used to place the emergency squad equipment, commonly used protective gear, questionnaires and other items; indoor items required to be placed in a classified manner, placed in an orderly manner, easy to access at any time to the squad.

Four material reserves

Remote townships (generally refers to more than 1 hour drive from the county-level CDC agencies) are recommended to do a good job of emergency material reserves in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) a clear person in charge of the emergency material reserves;

(2) the establishment of a material reserve catalog, the types of reserves, at least, including protective clothing, N95 and 12 layers of cotton gauze mask, protective eye masks, surgical masks and surgical equipment, and the number of protective equipment and supplies. Eye masks, surgical masks and surgical hats, shoe covers, disinfectant, bleach, etc., in addition to bleach and other materials with a shorter shelf life, the rest of the reserve quantity should meet the three-month dosage required;

(3) the establishment of material reserve ledger, the items called and in and out of the registration norms, and timely addition of consumed materials;

(4) the establishment of the material reserve warehouse, at least one room and the corresponding storage Shelves, there is a clear identification, decoration in line with anti-theft, moisture, rodent, insect requirements; material reserve system, related personnel duties on the wall;

(5) a fixed annual material reserve funds.