Manifestations of TIC disorder:
1. Vocal cord twitch: Actually, it involves the twitch of respiratory muscles, pharyngeal muscles, laryngeal muscles, oral muscles and nasal muscles. When these muscles contract and twitch, they will make sounds, such as "Oh, Oh, Ah", etc., which can also be manifested as clearing throat, coughing, sniffing, spitting and barking. Complex vocal TIC is composed of meaningful words, phrases or sentences, which is manifested by involuntarily repeating meaningless words or swearing for no reason. This is the first symptom of a few patients with TIC disorder.
2. Exercise twitch: the muscles of fingers, face, neck and shoulders, trunk and limbs contract unconsciously, suddenly and rapidly, which is manifested by frequent actions such as blinking, frowning, nausea, nose shrinking, tongue spitting, mouth opening, shaking head, nodding, neck stretching, shoulders shrugging and chest holding. With the progress of the disease, the manifestations will develop from simple twitch to complex twitch, from single motor twitch or vocal twitch to both, and the frequency of occurrence will also increase.
3. Tic-voice syndrome: also known as Tic-voice syndrome or Tourette's syndrome. Studies have shown that at least 30% of Tourette's patients have foul language. In severe cases, there will be language imitation, imitation and repetition, forced action or obscene behavior.