Are there many factories recruiting laborers in Hangzhou's Xiasha area now? What is the average wage? What kind of treatment?

Yes, there are a lot of them, but some factories have to go through intermediaries, and some factories have people who can introduce you to them. If you are looking for an intermediary, be careful. The intermediary fee of 20 yuan is about the same, and some of them want to make a profit by charging you 50,100 yuan, etc. However, there are also large intermediaries who don't charge an intermediary fee. Wages are usually more than 1,200 yuan for a basic salary + bonuses and so forth (different treatment for each factory), and I can't really say that. The wages are usually more than 1200 + bonuses (each factory has a different treatment) I can't say, but that's about it. 2500 or more, yes, but it's all overtime. Nowadays, high wages are just overtime.