Spastic cerebral palsy how to improve muscle strength and reduce muscle tension?

Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type of cerebral palsy in the clinic. Tiptoe, scissor step, and internal and external rotation of the feet are the most typical external manifestations of this type of children, and the reason lies in the excessive muscle tone and abnormal muscle strength. Therefore, the key step in the rehabilitation process of children with spastic cerebral palsy is to reduce muscle tone and improve muscle strength, and to achieve this effect, it is necessary to use rehabilitation training and surgery to carry out a combination.

1. Improving muscle strength is the most important part of rehabilitation training

In the rehabilitation training for children with cerebral palsy to improve their muscle strength, the active movement of the child is more important than the passive movement which is led by the rehabilitator or the parents. The rehabilitator can give weight bearing according to the specific situation of the child to achieve the ideal effect, the specific training methods are as follows:

1. The child takes the side lying position, so that the hip is fully extended, the therapist assists in lifting the lower limb of the side above actively, not bending the knee, and if necessary, can be weight bearing, such as man-made resistance or sandbags weight bearing.

2, the child to take the supine position, knee flexion of the soles of the feet on the bed, the therapist to fix this position, the child was asked to take the initiative to lift the hips to do a bridge-like action.

3, single and double knee kneeling position training, the child to take the kneeling position, the therapist fixed at the pelvis, to prevent hip flexion, to achieve a certain ability to carry out single-knee position training, one side of the lower limbs kneeling on the surface of the cushion, the other side of the lower limbs flexed hip bending plantar foot pads with the fixation of the two sides of the lower limbs alternately

Training to train the peripelvic muscles and the alternating movement of the two lower limbs.

4, the child to take the hands and knees position, the therapist to assist the child's pelvis to the child's pelvis to the front of the full extension and then reset, and so on for many times, in order to train the child's ability to extend the hip.

2, reduce muscle tension focus on surgery

Tiptoe, cross-steps, etc. is the typical performance of children with spastic cerebral palsy, and the root cause lies in the child's muscle tension is too high, resulting in spasm of the limb muscles, and this muscle spasm is often not limited to a single muscle, but rather, it manifests itself as a spasm of multiple muscles or groups of muscles, so rely on purely rehabilitative training can not reach the role of lowering the muscle tension. The role of the

FSPRS (Functional Selective Posterior Spinal Root Separation and Dissection) can be used to scientifically determine the proportion of the posterior spinal nerve roots to be removed under the monitoring of advanced multi-lead electrophysiology technology, making the scope and proportion of the sensory nerves removed more objective and accurate. By cutting off the posterior spinal nerve roots during the operation, the patient's muscle tone can be significantly reduced and the spasticity can be completely relieved after the operation. It will not affect the motor function of the limb, and has very little effect on the sensory function, and can also play a role in preventing the occurrence and development of limb deformity, with obvious overall functional improvement and correction of power deformity.

Of course, in addition to surgical treatment, rehabilitation training is also indispensable, after surgery still need to adhere to the long-term regular training, in order to prevent the effect of the operation can not be solid long-term maintenance.