It is a nationally qualified job that provides assistance in various aspects of daily life for people who are elderly or have mobility problems, and also provides medical assistance, such as suction, catheterization, and IVs under the direction of the attending physician.
Nani, isn't this a combination of a caregiver and a nurse?
Japan has ushered in the phenomenon of old-age intermediary care in a society with fewer children and super-age. 30.3% of people in 2025 will be 65 or older, and 18.1% will be 75 or older. In 2025, 30.3% of the population will be over 65 and 18.1% will be over 75. China, with 18.2% of the population over 65, will become the second oldest super-aged country after Japan. Therefore, the era of super-aging is close at hand.
In the future, Japan will become a real country of the elderly. Japan has good environmental protection, but its population is aging badly. In Shenzhen, the average age is 35, but China's aging process is accelerating.
Japan has set up a nursing care insurance system, which is paid for by society as a whole. Individuals are free to choose their own nursing care providers, and each person pays 10 percent of his or her income, and the higher the income, the more he or she pays, and the nursing care insurance system is revised every three years. There is a high turnover rate of nursing staff, perhaps partly due to dissatisfaction with pay, but not entirely due to this reason.
Not every elderly person is actually eligible for nursing care. Need to carry out the assessment of the degree of intermediation: 1, the action of the whole is in the unstable; 2, forgetfulness, indifferent to the surrounding things; 3, eating and defecation need to be assisted; 4, grooming and house cleaning can not be done by one person. There are two steps in the assessment: 1) computerized screening; 2) doctor's assessment. The degree of care is divided into 4 degrees.
Japan's Nagano Prefecture, located at the foot of Mount Fuji and surrounded by mountains, was previously a very short-lived prefecture, mainly due to a high intake of preserved foods and very little high-quality protein such as seafood. In order to improve this situation, Nagano Prefecture launched a campaign called "Bouncing for a Happy Old Age," which involves diet and exercise reforms to reduce the consumption of salted and fried foods, increase the intake of high-quality proteins, and engage in a wide variety of physical activities. As a result of their efforts, Nagano Prefecture is now one of the longest-living prefectures in Japan. Japan is now promoting the Nagano Prefecture model of health care for the elderly to promote healthy aging.
Elderly people are a vulnerable group and are susceptible to abuse, and Japan has established the Senior Citizen Abuse Prevention Act. 26.1% of institutionalized staff, 25.6% of relatives, 30.6% of intermediate care institutions, 27.4% of welfare institutions, 14.5% of health care institutions; 77.4% of physical abuse, 30.6% of psychological abuse, and abandonment of intermediate care 12.8%. There continues to be a tendency for an increase in the incidence of abuse of the elderly, and in particular, there has been a significant increase in the number of incidents of abuse of the elderly caused by staff members of nursing care facilities. In Japan, a staff member threw an 87-year-old man to his death from the fourth floor of a care center. The deaths of three elderly people at a care center in July this year were ruled to be intentional injuries and are still under investigation. Elderly care also has a lot of hidden worries. An elderly man who served his elderly parents and then checked himself for terminal cancer, fearing that his parents would not be able to take care of themselves after his death, killed his parents and then committed suicide. This is really a human tragedy!
Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the operation and management of the intermediary care as well as the quality of service. First of all, we need to pay special attention to the reception etiquette, some of the elderly may be particularly capricious, so the staff should be particularly good at listening, keen to detect the risk, the degree of risk of sorting, according to the priority of treatment.
According to the PDCA mode of operation and management improvement: formulate a plan plan Practice Do to assess Check if there is a problem gradually improve Action. through this way spiral development, gradual improvement. The goal set should be appropriate, not too big not too small; whether in accordance with the plan, people, money and materials are ready? Is there any evaluation of the results? Are there problems to improve?
Through this management approach, I believe that the quality and reputation of the nursing care organization will be improved. China's nursing care is still in its infancy, so we may need to learn from Japan, but we hope to learn from the best of the best and get rid of the dregs, so that we can guide our nursing care organizations to spiral upward.