PLM system is what_plm system is what it means ah

PLM is not only a technology, but also a business step. proctlifecyclemanagement, product lifecycle management, developed from PDM (product data management). The former is different from the latter in the production process of the product has a detailed record management, for the after-sales traceability of the product in the factory production information provides a possibility. It is mainly used to link the technical department of the factory with the manufacturing department.

PLM provides a series of compatible solutions that support collaborative manufacturing, management, and dissemination. Moreover, it integrates human resources, processing procedures, business models, and information by utilizing the release of product information at the stage from the conceptual design of the extended enterprise to the end of the production cycle. In this sense, PLM organizes the product information hub of the company and its extended enterprises.

Thus, through the implementation of PLM, Chinese manufacturing companies can realize quality control from raw material control, the whole process of product production control, as well as distribution, after-sales and all other links. More importantly, PLM can shorten the product development, launch and sales cycle, and help Chinese companies carry out independent innovation.

PLM, as a new industry, brings innovation in products and production processes, which is the basis of many companies' initial stages.

Currently, China's manufacturing industry is in a process of transition from scale to product innovation and improved product quality. In this process, PLM to the product as the core, around the product life cycle in all phases of product data generation, changes in scientific and effective management, will effectively improve product quality. In addition, Chinese enterprises cannot stay at the level of low cost as the main advantage forever, and the advantage of manpower will be gradually replaced by the advantage of capability. In this process, PLM, which powers innovation, has a lot of room to play.

For enterprises, the importance of PLM is indisputable, but, at present, Chinese enterprises, whether it is on the knowledge of PLM, or in the deployment of PLM, there are some problems.

PLM refers to a class of software and services, the use of Internet technology, so that each of the relevant personnel in the product lifecycle of product development, manufacturing, sales management in a collaborative manner, regardless of the role of these people in the product development and business process, the use of what computer tools, in what geographic location, or in the supply chain of what links. Therefore, PLM is an important part of the enterprise information technology, can be related to the enterprise product information and process of unified management and system integration, the core of which is to enable all project-related personnel in the entire information life cycle **** enjoy the heterogeneous data related to the product, to become the support of business management, product development, process reorganization of the enterprise-level integrated support environment.

PLM is developed on the basis of Product Data Management (ProctData. Managemerlt, PDM) technology, which is a functional extension of PDM. PDM can not only be used for enterprise document management, product structure and configuration management, engineering change management, process management, etc., but also can be used as an enterprise process optimization, ISO90() o certification, collaborative design and virtual manufacturing support platform. However, PDM is mainly for the product development process, emphasizing the management of engineering data, and its application is also centered around the engineering design department, while PLM is a technology that manages all product-related data throughout its life cycle. It can be said that PLM completely contains all the contents and functions of PDM. But PLM also emphasizes the product life cycle across the supply chain of all the information management and utilization of the concept, which is the essential difference between it and PDM.