The role of antifreeze

The role of antifreeze has these main aspects, which are: 1, cooling. Cooling is the basic role of antifreeze. 2, anti-boiling. Summer often appear engine boil phenomenon, the boiling point of the coolant is usually more than 106 ℃, can effectively solve this phenomenon. 3, anti-corrosion. Engine and cooling system is made of various metals, antifreeze has the role of preventing corrosion of metal parts and rust removal. If water instead of, contact time cooling system and engine will be corroded or rust. 4, anti-scaling. Antifreeze has the right amount of antiscale agent, can inhibit scale generation. 5, anti-freeze. Antifreeze in the antifreeze can effectively prevent winter icing cracked cylinder and radiator. Now at home and abroad, more than 95% are using glycol water-based antifreeze, which has a high boiling point, small volatility, moderate viscosity, and with the temperature change is small, good thermal stability, is an ideal coolant. Generally used in automobiles, trains, internal combustion locomotives, tractors, ships, engines, water tanks, and a variety of mechanical equipment, diesel engines, gasoline engines and other cooling systems as a coolant use. Antifreeze is mostly valid for two years, must be replaced regularly, generally for two years or every 40,000 kilometers of driving a replacement.