What are the respective types of radiation and radioactive sources?

Radiation sources can be categorized into alpha radiation sources, beta radiation sources, gamma radiation sources and neutron sources according to the type of radiation they emit. Radiation is categorized into γ rays, X-rays, alpha rays.

Mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, electric kettles, microwave ovens, etc., as well as tiles for decoration.

Industry uses radiation's ability to penetrate matter to test the thickness of control steel plates or paper, and to check for sand holes and cracks inside metals. In agriculture, seeds are irradiated by radiation to make them mutate and cultivate good varieties to increase agricultural production. In health care, the use of radiation can check and treat malignant tumors.

For the harm of radiation, people are both familiar and unfamiliar. In the common people's impression, it is associated with the immensely powerful atomic bomb, the explosion of hydrogen bombs, with the world's peaceful use of nuclear energy calls, the ban on the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear testing has been greatly reduced, people seem to have been far away from radiation hazards.

Direct use of the reactor as a source of rays generally have two ways:

(1) in the center of the reactor (the active zone) in the horizontal or vertical direction to open a number of lead out of the rays of the aperture, in the aperture at the direct use of rays in the reactor. The intensity of the rays drawn out in this way is very high, but the rays are of complex types and the energy is dispersed.

(2) The second method is based on the first method to add shielding to the aperture to filter out the rays. If you manage to shield out the neutrons and only let the γ rays through, so that you can get a single γ ray. If you manage to shield off the γ-rays and only let the neutrons through, you can get a single neutron ray.