Rated power is the power of an appliance when it is working normally. Its value is the rated voltage of the appliance multiplied by the rated current. Actual power describes the amount of energy consumed per unit of time by an appliance during the actual use of electricity. For the same appliance, the voltage engraved on the nameplate is the rated voltage of the appliance, and when the appliance works at this voltage, the power obtained is the rated power.
Difference between rated power and actual power
1, rated power is the power of the appliance when it works normally. Its value is the rated voltage of the appliance multiplied by the rated current. If the actual power of the appliance is greater than the rated power, the appliance may be damaged; if the actual power is less than the rated power, the appliance will not operate properly.
2, in the normal operation of the working condition, the output power of the power equipment or the input power of energy-consuming equipment. Often "kilowatts" as a unit. Also refers to the factory production of machines in the normal operation of the power can be achieved. That is, the usual power of a machine, the machine's rated power is certain.