Be nondestructive testing x-ray radiation after how to check and what to do?

The most important thing is to check whether the white blood cells are normal, if there is a significant reduction is definitely affected by radiation, X-ray exposure, try to stay away from x-rays, or do a good job of protection. The best protection is lead plate, can effectively block the absorption of X-ray. General non-destructive testing of the X-ray source of energy is larger, no protective measures close to the human body is more harmful. If it is occasionally once all right, this is also cumulative over how much will be harmful to the human body. According to the national standard GB 15208.1-2005, X-ray security checker single inspection dose should not be greater than 5μGy, while at the same time in any place 5cm from the outer surface of the equipment (including the entrance and exit of the equipment) X-ray dose should be less than 5μGy/h, this standard is the same as the U.S. FDA standards. In fact, in the bus station, subway and airport in the use of X-ray security checker in the public location is not measured radiation dose. For example, according to the data provided by the official website of the company, the single inspection dose is 0.534 μGy, and the radiation dose at 5 cm of the outer surface is 0.788 μGy/h [4], which is about 1/10 of the upper limit specified by the national standard. According to the data reported by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation, the radiation dose of a medical X-ray chest X-ray is 50μGy, which means that even if a person is really put inside this X-ray security checker used by the LRT, it will take about 100 scans to reach the radiation dose received by a chest X-ray - not to mention that such a situation is simply can't happen.