Prepare protective materials. Enterprises should prepare protective materials, including but not limited to: medical surgical masks, medical disinfectant water/alcohol, ultraviolet air disinfectant lamps, air-conditioning system special disinfectant, hand sanitizer, and other protective supplies, equipped with infrared thermometers and so on, prior to the opening of the business or the resumption of business.
Operating service normsPersonnel requirements
1 each business unit, require all employees to wear masks correctly on the way to and from work, try not to take public **** transportation, take public **** transportation, be sure to wear a mask throughout the entire journey, on the way to try to avoid touching the car with their hands on the car items. 2 employees into the business premises every day (work area) before the staff should be arranged for a special person to the staff to detect the temperature, the temperature is normal can enter the work, the infrared thermometer and other protective equipment. Normal body temperature can enter the work, and hand washing and disinfection. If the employee's body temperature exceeds 37.3℃, the employee should be asked to go home for observation and rest. Once the work found that employees have fever, cold, cough, respiratory tract infection and other suspected symptoms, should immediately stop work, and promptly to the medical institutions for medical treatment. 37.3 degrees is a standard of measurement, but also for each customer and staff of the restaurant must be monitored as a hard indicator. 3 must always wear a mask on duty to maintain a diligent hand-washing, drink more water, and adhere to the six-step method of pre-work, after the operation, eating before, after the toilet. Strictly wash hands before work, before eating, and after toileting according to the six-step method, and both parties should wear masks when receiving customers.4 Waste masks are put into garbage cans, and the garbage cans are disinfected twice a day by using alcohol or disinfectant, and garbage cans with lids are used as much as possible.Develop an employee file management system during the epidemic, file records should include, but not limited to, the name of the daily attendance, physical condition, work position. Practitioners try to avoid close contact with people with symptoms of respiratory disease and avoid contact with wild animals. For group quarters, strengthen management and publicity for protection.
Environmental Requirements for Business PremisesKeep the internal environment of the dining place clean and tidy. Tableware, drinking utensils and containers holding direct-entry food must be washed and sterilized before use, and cooking utensils and appliances must be washed after use. Increase the frequency of disinfection in places where customers have much contact, such as corridors, elevators, handrails, restrooms and toilet seats. Food waste should be covered, categorized and cleaned in a timely manner.
Requirements for service provisionPost announcements and posters of protective knowledge on display screens or in obvious locations in the dining venues.
Increase packaged service takeout service, increase online platform takeout service and increase takeout window.
Conditions of the business enterprise can reduce the tables and chairs placed to increase the distance between the diners.
Conditions for operating units can be used to share meals. Internal canteens and other business units should consider centralized supply, staggered meal times and other service delivery methods.
Equipment managementAir conditioning and fresh air system: the normal operation of the ventilation system should be regularly maintained; air conditioning should increase the cleaning and disinfection of filters and replacement.
Elevators: Elevators should be disinfected more frequently. Reminders should be posted in the elevator compartments to wear masks and avoid conversation in the elevator compartments. Limit the number of people riding the elevator.
Freezing and refrigeration and preservation equipment: food raw materials adhere to the first-in-first-out, appropriate amount of storage. Cover the plastic wrap before storage to prevent cross-contamination.
Procurement managementImplementation of the procurement of all aspects of the system to request tickets and certificates, the purchase of raw materials from qualified suppliers.
Eliminate the procurement, rearing and on-site slaughter of live poultry and livestock animals. Prohibit the procurement of ingredients from unknown sources and ensure the traceability of meat sources.
Customer ManagementThere is a process to measure the body temperature of customers, normal body temperature, can provide services. If consumers are found to have fever (body temperature over 37.3℃), cold, cough and other respiratory tract infection symptoms in the dining place, they will be actively persuaded to leave the scene and reminded to go to the hospital in time.
Require customers to wear masks throughout the store in addition to dining. Develop a traceability system for dining staff, form file management, and register the name and contact information (valid) of at least one dining guest.
Takeaway serviceTakeaway delivery staff:1 Avoid face-to-face contact with customers during delivery according to the standard of no-touch delivery service norms.2 Containers holding food for takeaway delivery staff should be increased in frequency on top of the usual cleaning and disinfection requirements.3 Transportation for takeaway delivery staff should be disinfected as required.
Platform management: 1 shall formulate platform information services, service processes, and service quality control programs, and encourage takeaway platforms to implement ? No-touch delivery? s operating standards.2 The delivery control department is required to set up a perfect delivery service quality control system to monitor the situation of takeaway delivery staff, daily order fulfillment, unexpected abnormality data, project execution, risk control data, and core index fulfillment.
Influence on catering operation units: 1 Requirement to take game meals offline. 2 Formulation of the "Prevention of New Coronavirus Alerting Takeaway Merchants Informational Letter". Informed by delivery staff to catering operators.