What is the danger of chlorine gas in dispensing machines and how should we protect ourselves?

What is chlorine gas

Chlorine, cl, atomic weight 35.5. Chlorine gas is a yellow-green, strongly irritating gas. It is soluble in water and alkali solutions, and easily soluble in organic solvents such as carbon disulfide and carbon tetrachloride. Chlorine gas in contact with water to generate hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid, and then decomposed into new ecological oxygen. Under high pressure, chlorine gas is liquefied into liquid chlorine. Chlorine gas is strongly corrosive, equipment and containers are very easy to be corroded and leakage.

Industrial exposure to chlorine opportunities: chlorine manufacturing or use process if the equipment pipeline is not tightly closed or maintenance can be exposed to chlorine. Liquid chlorine filling, transportation and storage, if the cylinder seal is poor or faulty, can also occur in a large number of chlorine gas escape. Mainly in the electrolysis of salt, manufacturing a variety of chlorine-containing compounds, paper, printing and dyeing and water disinfection and other industries.

What are the hazards

(1)Chlorine irritation: transient eye and upper respiratory tract irritation;

(2)Mild poisoning: bronchitis and peribronchial inflammation, coughing, dry rhonchi or rumbling in the lungs, and a small amount of wet rhonchi;

(3)Moderate poisoning: broncho-pneumonia, interstitial pulmonary edema or limited alveolar pulmonary edema. Cough, cough sputum, shortness of breath, chest tightness or chest pain, there may be mild cyanosis, dry or wet rhonchi in both lungs;

(4)Severe intoxication: clinically manifested as (1) coughing, hemoptysis with a large amount of white or pink foamy sputum, dyspnea, tightness in the chest, obvious cyanosis, diffuse wet rhonchi in both lungs;

(4)Severe intoxication: clinically manifested as (1) coughing and hemoptysis with large amount of white or pink foamy sputum, dyspnea, chest tightness, obvious cyanosis, diffuse wet rhonchi in both lungs;

(5) the appearance of serious complications, such as pneumothorax, mediastinal (e.g., pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema, etc.).

How to save yourself

On the occurrence of sudden chlorine poisoning must be in accordance with the national emergency plan for emergency response, there should be a unified command and leadership, blockade the scene, deal with the source of the accident, and evacuate the residents of the contaminated area.

In the event of a chlorine leak, residents of the contaminated area should be transferred to the windward area, and use a wet towel to protect the mouth and nose; to the safety zone to rest, avoid strenuous exercise, so as not to aggravate the burden on the heart and lungs, deterioration of the condition; can be appropriate to the use of calcium, vitamin C and dehydrating agents; the early use of glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics in sufficient quantities to alleviate the damage of the respiratory tract and the lungs; the use of ultrasonic spray pathways , which delivers drugs directly to the respiratory tract, is more effective; patients should be sent to large hospitals or medical units with occupational disease departments in a timely manner.