Table of Contents for Engineering Economics

Level 1 It All Starts Here

1 Fundamentals of Engineering Economics31.1 The Importance of Engineering Economics to Engineers (and Other Professionals)4

1.2 The Role of Engineering Economics in Decision-Making6

1.3 Methods and Steps in the Study of Engineering Economics7

1.4 Interest Rates and Rates of Return9

1.5 Equivalence12

1.6 Simple vs. Compound Interest13

1.7 Terminology and Symbols18

1.8 Introduction to Computerized Solutions20

1.9 The Minimum Expected Rate of Return22

1.10 Cash Flows: Estimation and Graphical Representation24

1.11 The Rule of 72: Estimation of Value Added at a Time of Two Times the Time and Interest Rate27

1.12 Spreadsheet Applications - Simple Interest, Compound Interest, and Changing Cash Flow Estimates27

Additional Examples30


Exercise 32

FE Reflection Question 35

Extended Exercise - Effects of Compound Interest36

Case Study - Describing Options for Manufacturing Refrigerator housing options36

2 Coefficients: how time and interest rates affect the value of money38

2.1 Compound interest coefficients for lump-sum payments (?F/P and P/F?)39

2.2 Present value coefficients and capital recovery coefficients for an equal series (?P/A and A/P?)44

2.3 Sinking fund coefficients and terminal value of equal series Coefficients (?A/F and F/A?)47

2.4 Interpolation of Compound Interest Tables49

2.5 Compound Interest Coefficients for Equivalent Series (?P/G and A/G?)51

2.6 Coefficients for Equivalent Series56

2.7 Calculation of Unknown Interest Rates58

2.8 Calculation of Unknown Number of Years61

2.9 Spreadsheet Application - Basic Sensitivity Analysis62

Appendix Examples63



FE Reflections70

Case Study - Difference Due to Differences in the Number of Years and Compound Interest Rate72

Table of ContentsEngineering Economics (6th Edition) 3 Combination Factors74

3.1 Calculation of Offset Equivalent Sequences75

3.2 Calculations Involving Equivalent Sequences and Single Amounts in Random Positions79

3.3 Calculation of Offset Equivalent Difference or Equivalent Ratio Sequences83

3.4 Offset Decreasing Equivalent Difference Sequences86

3.5 Spreadsheet Applications - Use of Different Functions88

Additional Examples91


Exercise 92

FE Reflection Question 101

Extended Exercise - Maintaining Public **** Sites 102

4 Nominal and Real Interest Rates104

4.1 Expressions of Nominal and Real Interest Rates105

4.2 Real Annual Interest Rates108

4.3 Real interest rate at any time period113

4.4 Equivalence: comparing the length of the repayment period and the compounding period115

4.5 Equivalence: single-valued and PP ≥ CP116

4.6 Equivalence: PP ≥ CP series118

4.7 Equivalence: PP<CP when a single sum of amounts and Series122

4.8 Effective Interest Rate Calculated by Successive Compounding123

4.9 Interest Rate Over Time125


Exercise 127

FE Reflection Questions132

Case Study - Financing the Purchase of a Home134 Level 2 Tools to Evaluate the Options Available

5 Present Value Analysis1415.1 Developing Mutually Exclusive Options142

5.2 Present Value Analysis of Equal Life Cycle Options144

5.3 Present Value Analysis of Unequal Life Cycle Options145

5.4 Terminal Value Analysis148

5.5 Calculation and Analysis of Capitalization Costs149

5.6 Analysis of Payback Period154

5.7 Life Cycle Costs158

5.8 Present Value of Bonds161

5.9 Spreadsheet Application - PW Analysis and Payback Period164


Exercise 168

FE Thinking Questions176

Extended Exercise - Calculating Valuation of Social Pension Insurance 178

Case Study - Recovery Evaluation of an Ultra-Low Flush Toilet Project178

6 Annual Value Analysis181

6.1 Advantages and Application of Annual Value Analysis182

6.2 Calculation of Capital Recovery and Annual Value184

6.3 Evaluation of Alternative Options Using Annual Value Analysis186

6.4 AW191


Exercise 193

FE Reflection Questions 198

Case Study - Changing Annual Value Analysis Scenarios 199

7 Rate of Return Analysis: Individual Options 201

7.1 Interpretation of Rate of Return 202

7.2 Calculation of Rate of Return 204 using PW or AW formulas to calculate the rate of return204

7.3 Considerations for using the ROR method209

7.4 Multiple rates of return209

7.5 Combined rate of return: removing the multiple ?i values214

7.6 Rate of return on bond investments219


Exercise questions221

FE Reflection Questions 228

Extended Exercise 1 - The Cost of a Bad Credit Rating 230

Extended Exercise 2 - The Best Time to Sell a Business 231

Case Study - Bob Studies Multiple Rates of Return 231

8 Rate-of-return Analysis: Multiple Options 234

8.1 Need for Incremental Analysis 235

8.2 ROR Analysis with Incremental Cash Flow Calculations236

8.3 Interpretation of Additional Return on Investment239

8.4 Evaluating Returns Using PW: Incremental and Breakeven Methods240

8.5 Evaluating Returns Using AW246

8.6 Incremental ROR for Multiple Mutually Exclusive Options Analysis 247

8.7 Spreadsheet Application - PW, AW, and Rate of Return Analysis 252

Summary 254

Exercise 254

FE Reflection Question 261

Extended Exercise - Incremental ROR Analysis of Evaluated Scenarios with Life Cycle Uncertainty 262

Case Study 1 - Choosing a Variety of Options : Can a Recent Engineering Graduate Help His Father263

Case Study 2 - PW Analysis in the Presence of Multiple Interest Rates264

9 Benefit/Cost Analysis and Economic Analysis of the Public **** Sector266

9.1 Public **** Sector Programs267

9.2 Benefit/Cost Analysis of Individual Programs271

9.3 Scenario Selection Using Incremental ?B/C? Analysis275

9.4 Incremental ?B/C? Analysis of Multiple Mutually Exclusive Scenarios277


Exercise 282

FE Reflection Question 289

Extended Exercise - Costs of Providing Ladder Truck Services to a Fire Department290

Case Study - Highway Lighting 292

10 Making Program Choices: Methods, MARR, and Multiple Attributes 294

10.1 Comparison of Mutually Exclusive Alternatives Using Different Evaluation Methods 295

10.2 MARR and the Cost of Funds 298

10.3 Liability-Asset Portfolios and the WACC 301

10.4 Determining the Cost of Funds for Liabilities302

10.5 Determining the Cost of Funds for Assets and MARR304

10.6 The Impact of the Liability-Asset Portfolio on Investment Risk306

10.7 Multi-Attribute Analysis: Attribute Identification and Attribute Importance308

10.8 Evaluation of Multi-Attribute Metrics 312

Summary 314

Exercise 314

Extended Exercise - Emphasizing the Right Thing 324

Case Study: Which Approach Should Be Chosen - Debt Financing or Equity Financing 325

Level 3 Decision-Making in Real-World Cases

11 Reset vs. Retention Decisions 32911.1 Foundations of Replacement Analysis330

11.2 Economic Lifespan332

11.3 Performing a Replacement Study338

11.4 Other Considerations for Replacement Analysis343

11.5 Replacement Analysis for a Specific Period of Analysis344


Exercise Questions349

FE Reflection Questions 357

Extended Exercise - Economic Service Life under Changing Conditions 358

Case Study - Replacement Analysis of Quarry Equipment 359

12 Selection of Independent Scenarios under Budgetary Constraints 360

12.1 Overview of Capital Allocation Among Scenarios 361

12.2 Equal Life Cycle Scenarios Using PW Analysis for Capital Allocation 363

12.3 Use of PW Analysis for Capital Allocation under Unequal Life Cycle Scenarios 365

12.4 Solving Capital Budgeting Problems with Linear Programming 368

Summary 371

Exercises 371

Case Study - Lifelong Engineering Education in an Online Environment 375

Case Study Exercise 376

13 Breakeven Analysis 377

13.1 Breakeven Analysis of a Single Project 378

13.2 Breakeven Analysis of Two Alternative Scenarios 383

13.3 Spreadsheet Application - Breakeven Analysis Using Excel's SOLVER 386



Case Study - Process Costs of a Water Treatment Plant395

Level 4 A More Thorough Analysis

14 The Effects of Inflation40114.1 Understanding the Effects of Inflation402

14.2 Calculating Present Values of Inflation Modifications404

14.3 Final Value Calculation of Inflation Modification409

14.4 Capital Recovery Calculation of Inflation Modification412


Exercise 414

FE Reflection Question 419

Extended Exercise - Fixed Income Investments and the Power of Inflation419

15 Cost Estimation and Indirect Cost Allocation421

15.1 Understanding How to Complete a Cost Estimate422

15.2 Cost Indices425

15.3 Cost Estimating Relationships: the Cost-Capacity Equation428

15.4 Cost Estimating Relationships: the Cost Factor Approach430

15.5 Traditional Indirect Cost Ratios vs. Indirect Cost Allocation 432

15.6 Indirect Cost Allocation Using the Assignment-Based Costing (ABC) Approach 436

Summary 439

Exercise 439

FE Reflection Questions 449

Case Study 1 - Estimation of the Total Cost of Coagulant Dose Optimization 450

Case Study 2 - Medical Equipment Comparison of Indirect Costs of Sterilization Devices452

16 Methods of Depreciation455

16.1 Terminology Related to Depreciation456

16.2 Straight-Line (SL) Depreciation Methods459

16.3 Declining Balance and Double Declining Balance Methods460

16.4 Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System464

16.5 Determining Depreciation Recovery Periods for the MACRS Method468

16.6 Depletion Methods469



FE Reflection Questions477


16A.1 Depreciation Amounts by the Sum-of-the-Years Method478

16A.2 Conversion Between Depreciation Methods 479

16A.3 Determination of Depreciation Rates for the MACRS Method 483

Appendix Exercises 486

17 Post-Tax Economic Analysis 488

17.1 Income Tax Terminology and Its Relationship to the Firm (Individual) 489

17.2 Pre- and Post-Tax Cash Flows 493

17.1 Income Tax Terminology and Its Relationship to the Firm (Individual) 489

17.2 Cash Flows Before and After Taxes 493

p>17.3 Impact of Different Depreciation Methods and Depreciation Periods on Taxes495

17.4 Depreciation Recovery and Capital Gains (Losses) of a Firm498

17.5 After-Tax PW, AW, and ROR Valuation502

17.6 Spreadsheet Application - Incremental After-Tax ROR Analysis506

17.7 After-Tax Replacement Analysis 509

17.8 After-Tax Incremental ROR Analysis 513

17.9 After-Tax Analysis of International Projects 515

Summary 517

Exercise 518

Case Study - After-Tax Valuation of Liabilities and Financing 529

18 Formal Sensitivity Analysis and Expected Value Decision Making 533

18.1 Determining Sensitivity to Parameter Changes534

18.2 Formalized Sensitivity Analysis Based on Three Estimation Methods540

18.3 Economic Variability and Expected Values541

18.4 Calculating Expected Values of Alternative Options542

18.5 Decision Tree-Based Phased Evaluation of Alternatives544

p>Summary 547

Exercise 548

Extended Exercise - Examining Alternative Options from Different Perspectives 556

Case Study - Sensitivity Analysis of Water Supply Options for a Public **** Sector: Water Supply Plans 556

19 More Variation and Risky Decision Making 560

19.1 Certainty, Risk, and the Explanation of Uncertainty 561

19.2 Important Factors in Risky Decisions 564

19.3 Random Samples 569

19.4 Expected Values and Standard Deviations 573

19.5 Monte Carlo Sampling and Simulation Analyses 577

Additional Example Problems 584

Summary 588

Exercise 588

Extended Exercise - Sensitivity Analysis Using Simulation Methods and Functions Generated by Excel Random Number Generator (RNG)


Appendix A Using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets 594A.1 Introduction to Using Excel 594

A.2 Spreadsheet Organization (Layout )598

A.3 Important Engineering Economic Analysis Functions in Excel (Alphabetical)600

A.4 SOLVER - Performs Breakeven Analysis and "What if ...... How... ...

Excel Tools for Analysis607

A.5 List of Excel Financial Functions608

A.6 Error Messages610

Appendix B Basis for Accounting Statements and Operating Ratios611

B.1 Asset-Balance Sheet611

B.2 Income Statement and Cost of Products Sold Statement 612

B.3 Operating Ratios 613

Exercises 616

Appendix C Compound Interest Factor Table 618

Reference 666