How to avoid the problem of automatic dispensing machine is blocked

Dispensing needles are dispensing machines in the dispensing process is necessary to use dispensing consumables, the reason why it is called consumables, because the dispensing process, many dispensing needles are one-time use. So it is difficult to avoid the phenomenon of dispensing needle blockage, but through the correct operation method, can effectively reduce the phenomenon of needle blockage.

Dispensing needle clogging phenomenon is mainly related to the type of glue and dispensing processing operations, such as hot melt adhesive using a full stainless steel dispensing needle, the glue can melt when heated, so as long as the heater to maintain a certain temperature, there will be no needle clogging phenomenon. If the use of fast-drying adhesive dispensing machine dispensing processing products, because the fast-drying adhesive is fast room temperature curing, in the event of interruption of the operation of the dispensing machine, it is easy to plug the needle, this time to reduce the needle clogging phenomenon is to maintain the coherence of the dispensing. Some other glue (such as AB glue) curing speed is a little slower, more will not happen to block the phenomenon, but if a long time without operation, it is necessary to remove the mixing nozzle, and re-preserve the glue, so as not to block the entire outlet.