Advantages of arthroscopic surgery of arthroscopy

1, the incision is small, beautiful, and can avoid the irritation symptoms caused by the scarring of the joint surface and movement site in the late stage;

2, it is a minimally invasive surgery, less painful, less postoperative reaction, and easy to accept by the patients;

3, it can be used to move and use the limbs in the early stage after the operation, avoiding the complication of prolonged bed-rest, and reducing the caregivers and costs;

4, Complications are relatively few;

5. It basically does not affect the musculature around the joints, and can be used for functional exercises early after the surgery to prevent the waste and complications caused by long-term fixation of the joints;

6. It can be used to observe and check the intra-articular lesions in a near-physiological environment, and is known as the "Putting the eyes and fingers inside the joints".

6, can be nearly physiological environment for the observation and examination of intra-articular lesions, "put the eyes and fingers into the joints," said the joints can be powered to improve the diagnostic ability of the joints, some diseases, such as synovial folds syndrome, was established through the arthroscope;

7, arthroscopy can be carried out in the past, open surgery is difficult to complete the surgery, such as meniscectomy and other partial resection.

Comparison of arthroscopic treatment and traditional surgery

Arthroscopic search book on traditional surgical treatment Comparison table: Item Arthroscopy Traditional Surgery Role Diagnostic and therapeutic dual role can only play a therapeutic role Trauma size 3-4 2-5mm skin incisions Different types of skin incision sizes are different, generally more than 5mm Recovery time After the operation can be discharged from the hospital in 3-5 days Hospitalization is usually more than half a month. More than half a month Effect of treatment Thorough, safe, small scars Thorough, risky, obvious scars Clinical application First choice of famous athletes for knee and bare knuckle injuries Gradually replaced Costs Usually around 8000-10000 yuan More than 10,000 yuan Higher Complications Rarely complicate, safe Complications, unsafe