The most important factor in becoming a brilliant engineer is to love your profession. After all, interest is the best teacher, and many brilliant electronics engineers grew up as electronics hobbyists. Hobby should not only be reflected in the action more y into the heart and even deep into the marrow. There are many people ask: how long should be spent every day in the study and work. You can be sure that a labor of love will be rewarded, but as engineers and scientists want to succeed is not a race who spends the most time, but to see who has paid more thought. Don't think that a student who sits in a study hall and reads for however many hours is diligent, and may also be lazier than a student who stays in his dorm room. That means diligence is brain diligence, not body and and form diligence. I've also been studying electronics for almost 15 years now and have found a lot of problems. Once someone asked me how long you spend working every day. I answered him: every day except for eating and sleeping almost always thinking. It is no exaggeration to say that many of my engineering ideas are born in my dreams. Every morning when I wake up and brush my teeth, on the way to work, when I eat, or even when I talk to others, inspiration may be born. Of course, the prerequisite for a love of engineering is the ability to appreciate the beauty of engineering and the natural sciences. A good engineer is also a person who loves science, from general knowledge to the spirit of science will permeate his life. Once I saw a teacher in a faculty arranging the order of defense. Although this teacher has written many books in the field of electromechanics and has made a lot of achievements in the so-called theoretical field, judging from the fact that he arranges such a simple order, he is not a highly theoretical person. Because it seems to me that his method of working is extremely inefficient. In other words there is no scientific spirit to speak of in his life.
An engineer and a scientist are also engineers and scientists in life. This question leads us to mention the development of the quality of one's thinking. This includes habits of thinking, depth and breadth, as well as ways of thinking and selection of material for thinking. It is true that there are many qualities that are innate and deterministic in becoming an engineer, and that schooling and one's own efforts are only some of the aids. A person once asked me a question about perceptual load, in fact, I know very well mentally that he does not understand the most basic physical concepts here, first of all, the understanding of inductance can not be explained in words and mathematical formulas. So the foundation of physics and math is a very high requirement for engineers, and the physics and math mentioned here refers to a basic understanding rather than words and formulas that stay on the surface. I can deduce that this person is not well suited to be an engineer, in fact, all the problems he raised really exist in life, look up and see the fluorescent light start, or when you see the moment of discharge of the power plug. But it would be wrong to take each of these moments for granted. That's how Newton would have taken it for granted when he saw the apple fall to the ground.
Everyone thinks differently and pays attention differently, and many people grow up paying attention to the natural sciences, and many of these children are future engineers. For example, if a 10-year-old student sees a building, he or she will immediately think about how the building was constructed, how the cranes were connected one to the other, and how the glass was installed on the facade of a building that tall. The other child will think about the greatness of engineers, and will also think of some poems to express his inner feelings. Obviously one of the two children might be better suited to be an engineer and the other to be a writer. So it is often said that everyone has his or her own strengths and virtues. Some people's strengths and ways of thinking cannot be utilized in an engineer's career, but the dogmatic nature of Chinese education does not allow everyone to do what they like. One of my university classmates is a literature enthusiast, has a lot of insights into Chinese history and society, reads widely and writes well, but he has chosen to specialize in electronics, which is a waste of talent, isn't it. So engineers and scientists are engineers and scientists in life, not at work and when they pick up the books. Many students try hard to learn but never get started for this reason. When they pick up a book and find a problem or a teacher asks a question they work hard to solve it, but when they put the book down they don't ask questions and think independently.
I've never thought of Chinese education as real education. Books, papers, scores, and so-called answers are all dogmatic, like a production line that stamps each student who passes through it with a degree. Creativity and individual strengths are all wiped out. Coupled with the long history of the Great Leap Forward in education and the bias in the criteria for evaluating talents, countless geniuses have lost the opportunity to develop. There were not so many resources for education but had to expand enrollment - literacy. The employment of fresh graduates is the best example of putting university education in an awkward situation. So please don't complain about the lack of job opportunities, China is very short of engineers! So much so that many companies are crying out for engineers. The lack of engineers is in contradiction with the surplus of fresh graduates in science and engineering. So don't think you can be a good engineer just because you have a high academic record. It is important to clearly recognize the distance between schooling and the needs of society.
Engineers have to have their own ideas, and many students have developed some very bad habits during their studies. For example, the depth of thinking is not enough, and will not think independently. A formula put in front of can do questions, can test is OK look at the natural sciences is like a garden, some scientific giants wrote countless monumental articles to describe it. Math formulas are like the words and sentences in an article, what is the point of just doing word games or simply memorizing them?LookPlease ask yourself how much you know about this big garden. Can you close your eyes and visualize this garden look remember I once asked a senior capstone student how well you did in physics. He answered I was okay, but then added that it was the formulas that he forgot. At work, he saw that I can write a lot of equations on the fly, surprised that my memory is really good. I said I had never memorized any equations at all. Because I remembered what the garden looked like, and even if I couldn't remember which person described the garden in what terms, I could still describe it clearly. That's what theory is, and theory doesn't mean words and formulas but the ideas of those who have gone before.
Many students of electronics say that analog technology is difficult to learn, and I tell them that actually learning analog technology is not about learning analog electronics itself. The world is supposed to be analog, all physical quantities are analog, that's analog. So your most fundamental view of the natural sciences and your worldview directly determines the level of analog, which is the level of physics. My opinion is: don't think that taking a book on analog and electricity and learning from it will make a fundamental difference, you must improve your knowledge and understanding of things and natural science, and improve your ability to handle analog quantities. The important thing is the way of thinking, and the perceptual understanding of the concepts.
Thinking about problems is a habit. Some people always like to be on point, he doesn't even realize that I can think deeper. As engineers and scientists you have to develop the habit of thinking y. Some students see a physics problem and think it's good to get it right. But do you find the intrinsic connection or even get inspired by the test. There are many high school students like to do a lot of exercises, the results are not ideal. It is because these students are just doing the problems without putting more thought into it. So engineers need to focus on conceptual thinking and then go deeper. You need to know what you know, and you need to know why you know what you know.
Engineers need to pay attention to practice, no matter when the development of natural sciences are inseparable from the experiment. Electronics itself is to guide the practice of engineering. So do not talk about empty theory. Now many institutes are facing such a problem, always talk about some empty theory, even wrong but still do not think the theory. Practice can improve the understanding of natural science and even change our world view, only this understanding is improved to create and apply valuable theories. Let's not play with theories, but let's pay attention to them. Theory is thought and understanding, not formulas and words.
On the other hand, we have to value theory. Because you are an electronics engineer, not an electronics hobbyist. Engineers have to take full control of your project from the whole to the details. People are bound to make mistakes in their work, and engineers have to minimize such mistakes. Therefore, a comprehensive theory and knowledge of engineering objects is a must. Some engineers from the electronics hobbyists are more likely to ignore the theory, thinking that it is enough to make things out. Of course, it is necessary to make things out, but we ultimately want to master the cutting-edge technology and promote the development of Chinese science and technology. It is not possible to take someone else's drawings and make things like an electronics hobbyist, IT technology is developing rapidly, and the theory is also developing very rapidly. We must accept the tide of new ideas and new technologies, engineers must have a comprehensive and solid theory as a backing. Learning information technology is like building a skyscraper. We can quickly master popular development tools and techniques - we can build a taller building - but we cannot build a skyscraper without a comprehensive and solid theory as a foundation.
And the theoretical system must be complete, IT technology itself is a multidisciplinary cross-production, he has involved too many things. So in this industry if you master more comprehensive knowledge is very necessary. Engaged in hardware is often easy to ignore the software side of things. Now where to leave the software hardware and leave the hardware software it see and an engineer not only to know the
Professional knowledge, but also a wide range of knowledge of natural sciences, only in this way to become an outstanding engineering and technical personnel.
Cultivating one's own learning method is also a must for engineers. In the age of knowledge explosion, it is impossible to become a good engineer just by a little bit of knowledge learned in school, 90% of the knowledge has to rely on their own to learn. Many students who have just graduated from school do not learn on their own. Took a book to a burst of reading, can not read the teeth to read on, and finally remained on the side. In fact, self-study is very much about skills and methods. Of course, everyone has their own set of good methods. I usually divide the knowledge into several categories:
1. Basic knowledge ---- including mathematics, physics and chemistry and professional foundation.
2. popular technologies ---- such as submerged system development, the technology everyone is doing.
3.Technologies that will be popular in the future ---- For example, Bio-DSP technology is your prediction of the future.
4. The technology I'm going to use ---- is the one you urgently need to use in your project.
5.Important advances in other disciplines ---- Keeping up with technological developments is a must.
I usually divide my time evenly without neglecting any advancement in any one area. This ensures that the body of knowledge is constantly updated and expanded. This is just a macro-level allocation of energy. The exact learning process will of course vary from person to person, but it must be done strategically. Engineers do everything in a planned and systematic way to execute. Logic is not only embodied in the program but also in the process of learning and life, that is to say, do everything should be scientifically arranged time, according to their own situation to develop a program. People can refer to the brain mind mapping method.
Engineers should be rigorous and realistic in their work. Shenzhou spacecraft consists of how many complex systems, if each component has a 99.9% success rate, I am afraid that by the time of the final return even half of the safety can not be talked about. Therefore, engineers must be rigorous and pay enough attention to every detail from the whole. This is the reason why a thousand mile dike collapses in an ant hole. Engineers can not accept almost such a word. Line is line, not is not, this is the most basic quality of engineers. Once an engineer in the company took a good ultrasound front-end board to me, and said the board has been OK. But when I asked him how the signal-to-noise ratio, but answered me almost. I understand that almost is still poor, let him take it back to when it is not poor and then give me. So engineers have to use the indicators to speak, to practice to speak, almost not the engineer's mouth should not appear words.
Engineers should also focus on accumulation, a good programmer and circuit designer is a good collector. Not only to collect their own wisdom to collect the wisdom of others. IT technology field there are countless giants and geniuses will precipitate their wisdom in modern technology. So we have to keep accumulating good practices and ideas from the past. There will be a lot of people around you with a lot of things to learn, and you should accumulate these as wealth that will one day be useful. In addition, we learn not only simple knowledge but also the understanding of knowledge and the view of engineering of those who came before us. For example, everyone sees resistance differently, you have to take the initiative to understand what resistance is in the eyes of the master.
Higher perspective from a new look at the problem, to find a breakthrough, rather than drilling the bull's-eye.
Engineers do not easily ask others questions, the process of solving problems and results are equally important. There are some students will often ask questions to the teacher, which is also a good thing, indicating that so-and-so students love to learn. But we do not advocate these, on the contrary, if you can solve the problem is the best. To learn to independently hunt for information and knowledge, and from which to get their own judgment. Everyone in the work will encounter many problems, in school when there are teachers to answer, in the workplace and who can answer it to see or when you do is the most cutting-edge technology when you can ask who it! So engineers should have the ability to deal with problems independently. Do not be lazy in thought. Chinese education tends to require students to get high scores on exams, and answering the right answers is a good student. So the teacher told the answer as long as you remember the OK. can the teacher told you the answer can show that you have the ability to solve the problem see please do not believe that such a score, at least it can not reflect your true level.
Engineers should have the spirit of "Bright Sword". In Du Liang's words, the ancient swordsman knew that the other side is the world's first swordsman, knowing that it is death to light up the sword, do not be a swordsman if you do not have this ability. Although the enemy is strong and we are weak, although we are trapped in a heavy siege, we have to show our swords. Engineers should also dare to challenge their opponents and overcome themselves. A project if even do not dare to do can still talk about the success of the problem see success is a habit, a source of confidence in themselves. Strategically despise the enemy, tactically value the enemy.
Engineers that is to have personal heroism plot and to be able to integrate into the team. Outstanding personal skills and charisma are invaluable. We worship Gates and Jobs at the same time do not forget the huge and efficient R & D team behind them. The hero who accomplished the hegemony with the power of one halberd no longer belongs to this era. So teamwork is the only way to create a myth.
Engineers need to have a vision of development, not only to be able to navigate in front of the complex technology and market, but also to make a precise outlook on the future development trend. Only by thinking farther than others can we go farther than our rivals. Of course, this is inseparable from a solid foundation and diligent thinking, and I am afraid that in today's IT world, which is characterized by a lot of competitors, it takes a lot more guts to be able to do so. To constantly pay attention to technology and the market and other areas of development, when this attention to relax, when the competition will be eliminated.
To experience life in competition and problem solving, R&D and competition are inevitable realities for every engineer. Everyone will encounter new difficulties every day, but this is the life of an engineer, to live in these problems easily, and experience the joy of it and the excitement of the moment of success. Many engineers complain that doing R&D is too tiring, here the tiredness is a psychological feeling, the engineer's career is to constantly overcome the difficulties to meet new challenges.