A number of neoconjugate patients have died in home isolation in Japan! What is the cause of this phenomenon?

Today around the entire world's biggest problem, is the related epidemic, many Western countries from 2020 epidemic never stop, not only the number of diagnosed people soared, the number of deaths is soaring, and our country in 2020, only through a few months time, the epidemic will be under control, and to maintain stability until 2021, a number of cities only gradually occurring Aggregate outbreak, but in this epidemic, China has always been the best, both in terms of the way it handled the situation and the speed with which it was handled.

Japan home isolation

Worthy of praise, in addition to the existing medical conditions in our country as well as health care workers continue to work hard, there is also once a diagnosed patient, will quickly enter the hospital, and receive the best treatment, especially in Wuhan, but also in the shortest possible time, the cover up the square cabin hospitals, can be such a medical condition as well as medical equipment, and not all countries can be reached,< Japan's hospitals today, the number of diagnosed saturated, not too many beds, so even if you become a diagnosed patient, can only be home isolation, not only relatives have the risk of infection, the home does not have any medical equipment .

Why the death

The reason for this home isolation, but still have the phenomenon of death,On the one hand, because of the lack of medical facilities, such as hospitals do not have enough beds as well as not enough ventilators, even if they become a serious diagnosis of the patient, but also can not get the proper treatment, all the hospitals are saturated with beds, the patient at home in their own isolation, can not receive treatment, The death of the patient in the home isolation, the patient can not receive treatment. The other reason is because even if a neighbor is a confirmed patient, due to the need for privacy, there is no way for anyone other than the patient to know, increasing the likelihood of contagion, and even some of the patients themselves are suffering from the new crowns and don't know anything about it.

Serious aging

It is well known that aging is very serious in Japan, with an average of one out of every five people over the age of 70, which is evident in the ratio, and many of the diagnosed patients are elderly people who are suffering from chronic illnesses and other geriatrics, and who are unable to go out to buy groceries and order food when they are isolated in their homes, leading to a decline in their physical fitness and increasing the likelihood of death due to isolation. The likelihood of death due to isolation has increased dramatically.

The reason why our medical team rushed to help the provinces, including rushing to help various countries, is not to get the gratitude of other countries, but rather hope that in the whole world, in order to seek to be able to get under control, and to be effectively treated, after all, today's transportation is so developed, no matter which country fell because of the epidemic, other countries even if the control is good, there is also There is the possibility of another outbreak, for example, in our country, 2020 epidemic prevention and control has been very good, but due to the importation of foreign cases, resulting in another outbreak.