Special Equipment Supervision Rules 7001-2009

TSG T7001-2009 Rules for Supervision, Inspection and Periodic Inspection of Elevators-Trailing and Compulsory-drive Elevators

Rules for Supervision, Inspection and Periodic Inspection of Elevators-Trailing and Compulsory-drive Elevators

Article I. In order to strengthen the supervision and management of trailing and compulsory-drive elevators for installation, reconstruction, maintenance, routine maintenance, use and inspection. In order to strengthen the installation, transformation, repair, routine maintenance, use and inspection supervision and management, standardize the traction and mandatory drive elevator installation, transformation, major maintenance supervision and inspection and periodic inspection behavior, improve the quality of inspection work, and promote the traction and mandatory drive elevator operation and effective implementation of safety and security, according to "Special Equipment Safety Supervision Regulations", the development of these rules.

Article 2 These rules apply to the power-driven traction and forced elevator (explosion-proof elevator, fireman's elevator, miscellaneous elevator except) installation, transformation, major maintenance supervision and inspection and periodic inspection.

The first paragraph of the traction and forced drive elevator (hereinafter referred to as the elevator) of the production (including elevator design, manufacturing, installation, transformation, repair, routine maintenance, hereinafter the same) and the use of units, as well as engaged in the supervision and inspection of elevators and periodic inspection of special equipment inspection and testing organizations should comply with the provisions of these rules.

Article III of these rules refers to the supervision and inspection by the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as AQSIQ) approved by the special equipment inspection and testing organizations (hereinafter referred to as the inspection agency), according to the rules of the elevator installation, renovation, major maintenance process supervision and inspection (hereinafter referred to as the supervision and inspection); these rules refers to the periodic inspection is the inspection agency in accordance with the provisions of these rules, the elevator in use on a regular basis. Rules, the elevator in use on a regular basis.

Supervision and periodic inspection (hereinafter collectively referred to as inspection) is the production and use of elevators to implement the relevant laws and regulations and standards, the implementation of the safety responsibility to carry out the quality of work to ensure and independently confirm the safety of elevators to verify the inspection. Elevator production unit of self-test records or reports in the conclusions of the equipment is a comprehensive determination of the safety situation; inspection agency issued a test report in the test conclusions of the elevator production and use of units to implement the relevant responsibilities, the independent determination of the quality of equipment safety and other work to determine.

Article IV If there is a new technology related to elevator production and inspection, new materials, new technologies and other impact on the technical indicators and requirements of the rules of the special circumstances, the AQSIQ can be based on the specific circumstances, the corresponding requirements.

Article V implementation of elevator installation, renovation or major maintenance of the construction unit (hereinafter referred to as the construction unit) shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the notification, before the commencement of construction (excluding the equipment unboxing, on-site surveys and other preparatory work), to the specified inspection agency to apply for supervision and inspection; elevator user should be marked in the safety inspection sign of the next test date expires 1 month before the specified Inspection agency to apply for periodic inspection.

Article 6 The construction unit shall, in accordance with the requirements of the design documents and standards, elevator machine room (or machine equipment room), shaft, pit and other civil works involving elevator construction inspection, the quality of elevator manufacturing (including parts and safety protection devices, etc.) to confirm, and make a good record of compliance with the requirements of the elevator construction.

The construction unit or maintenance unit should be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant safety specifications and standards to ensure that the quality of construction or routine maintenance, true and accurate fill in the construction or routine maintenance of the relevant records or reports on the quality of construction or routine maintenance and the provision of relevant documents, information on the authenticity of the entity is responsible for the consistency.

Article VII of the construction unit, maintenance unit and the use of units should be provided to the inspection agency in line with Annex A requirements of the relevant documents, information, arrangements for relevant professionals to cooperate with the inspection agency to implement the test. Among them, the construction self-inspection report, routine maintenance of the annual self-inspection records or reports must also be submitted to a separate copy for storage.

Article 8 The inspection agency shall be qualified in the construction unit self-test based on the implementation of supervision and inspection, maintenance units in the maintenance of qualified self-test based on the implementation of regular inspections. Implementation of supervision and periodic inspection, shall comply with the following provisions:

(a) for the elevator installation process, in accordance with the provisions of Annex A inspection content, requirements and methods, inspection of the items listed in Annex B;

(b) for the elevator renovation and major maintenance process, in accordance with the provisions of Annex A inspection content, requirements and methods, the renovation and major repairs involved in the relevant project and its content for inspection, and other items in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this article for inspection;

(c) for in-use elevators, in accordance with the inspection content, requirements and methods specified in Annex A, the items listed in Annex C for 1 time per year for periodic inspection;

(d) for the special equipment safety inspection agency in an inspection cycle to receive the fault of the real name reported more than 3 times (including 3 times) of the elevator. Including 3 times) of the elevator, and by confirming the existence of the above faults affect the elevator operation safety, special equipment safety inspection agency may require advance maintenance unit of the annual self-inspection and periodic inspection;

(e) for the occurrence of natural disasters or equipment accidents and its safety and technical performance of the elevator and stop using the elevator for more than 1 year, before using it again, the shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Article. However, if the elevator implementation of transformation or major maintenance, should be in accordance with the provisions of this article (b) of the test.

Article IX elevator inspection program is divided into A, B, C three categories. Classes of inspection procedures are as follows:

(a) Class A project, the inspection agency in accordance with the corresponding provisions of Annex A, the documents provided, information for review, the class of projects for inspection, and self-test records or reports corresponding to the project's test results (hereinafter referred to as the results of the self-test) to compare the project in accordance with Article XX of the provisions of the test conclusions made a decision; not by the inspection agency review, Inspection, or review, inspection conclusion is unqualified, the construction unit shall not carry out the construction of the next process.

(B) B project, the inspection agency in accordance with the corresponding provisions of Annex A, the documents and information provided for review, the project to test the category, and compare the results with the self-test, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the project to make a determination of the test conclusions.

(C) C items, the inspection agency in accordance with the corresponding provisions of Annex A, the documents provided, information for review, that the self-test records or reports and other documents and information are complete, effective, no challenge to the results of self-test (hereinafter referred to as the review of the information is not in doubt), it can be confirmed as a pass; if the documents and information are missing, invalid or the results of the self-test in doubt (hereinafter referred to as the review of the information is in doubt ), should be in accordance with the test methods specified in Annex A, the type of project to test and compare with the results of self-inspection, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the project's test conclusions to make a decision.

The categories of the test items are shown in Annex A, Annex B, Annex C, the specific test method is shown in Annex A.

Article 10 The inspection agency shall, in accordance with the provisions of these rules, including the development of inspection procedures and inspection flow charts, including the elevator inspection operations guidance documents, and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the rules and inspection operations guidance documents, the quality of elevator inspection and implementation of stringent controls In addition, the inspection results and conclusions of the inspection is responsible for the correctness of the inspection work is responsible for the quality of the inspection.

Article 11 The inspection agency shall develop a unified format of the original records of elevator inspection and its requirements, in the unit officially released for use. Original record content should be no less than the corresponding inspection report (see Annex B, Annex C) the contents of the provisions. If necessary, the relevant items should be another list or chart, in order to record and organize the data.

Article XII of the inspection agency should be equipped to meet the test requirements and methods described in Annex A inspection and testing equipment, measuring instruments and tools.

Article XIII of the inspection staff must be in accordance with national regulations on special equipment inspectors qualification assessment, to obtain the corresponding qualification certificate issued by the AQSIQ, before you can engage in the approved project elevator inspection work. On-site inspection by at least two elevator inspectors or more qualified personnel, the inspector shall apply for inspection of the elevator construction or use of units (hereinafter referred to as the inspected unit) to show the inspection qualification mark. On-site inspection, the inspector shall not carry out repairs, adjustments and other work of the elevator.

Article XIV on-site inspection, the inspector should be equipped with and wear the necessary protective equipment, and to comply with the construction site or the use of units of express safety regulations.

Article XV of the elevator machine inspection, the inspection site should have the following inspection conditions:

(a) machine room or machine equipment between the air temperature to maintain between 5 ~ 40 ℃;

(b) power supply input voltage fluctuations in the rated voltage value ± 7% of the scope of the value;

(c) the ambient air is not corrosive and flammable gas and conductive dust;

(d) the inspection site (mainly refers to the machine room or machine equipment room, shaft, roof, pit) clean, no items and equipment unrelated to the elevator work, base station, the relevant floor station and other inspection sites placed to indicate that the inspection is being carried out on the warning signs;

(e) the necessary closure of the shaft.

Special circumstances, elevator design documents on temperature, humidity, voltage, ambient air conditions and other special provisions, the inspection site temperature, humidity, voltage, ambient air conditions should be consistent with the provisions of the elevator design documents.

For the elevator does not have the conditions for on-site inspection, or continue to test may cause danger, the inspector can suspend the test, but must be inspected in writing to the unit to explain the reasons.

Article XVI of the inspection process, the inspector should carefully review the relevant documents, information, the test will be faithfully recorded in the original records (including the name and number of documents and information that have been reviewed), shall not be omitted, omitted. Can use the uniform provisions of the simple mark, indicating that "meets", "does not meet", "qualified", "unqualified ", "no such", etc.; test data required for the project (i.e., the test method described in Annex A requires test data of the project, the same below) must be filled in the measured data; test data is not required, but there is a need to explain the situation of the project, it should be illustrated with a simple text, such as "x floor door lock failure"; in special cases, you can fill in "due to ...... (reason) not tested", "to be tested ", "see attached page" and so on.

The original record should indicate the date of the on-site inspection, the implementation of the inspection of the inspector's signature, and one of the inspector's check signature.

The inspection agency should be kept for a long time to monitor the inspection of the original records and construction self-inspection report. For regular inspection of the original records and routine maintenance of the annual self-inspection records or reports, the inspection agency should be kept at least 2 inspection cycles.

Article XVII of the inspection process, if the following conditions are found, the inspection agency shall be at the end of the on-site inspection, to the inspected unit or and maintenance unit issued a "Notice of Opinions on the Inspection of Special Equipment" (see Appendix D, hereinafter referred to as "Notice"), to make corrective requirements:

(a) construction or maintenance unit of the construction process records or routine maintenance records Incomplete;

(b) the elevator there are unqualified items;

(c) the requirement of test data items of the test results and self-test results there are many large deviations, questioning the ability of the corresponding unit of self-test;

(d) the use of the unit does not comply with the elevator-related laws, regulations, safety and technical specifications.

Regular inspection, for the existence of unqualified items but not in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of these rules directly determined to be unqualified elevator, "notice" should require the use of units in the rectification of the completion of the timely adoption of safety measures, the use of the elevator for guardianship.

The inspected unit or and maintenance unit should be in accordance with the "notice" of the requirements of timely rectification, and in the prescribed time limit to the inspection agency to submit the results of filling out the "notice" and rectification reports and other witness information.

The inspector should be rectified to confirm the situation, according to the circumstances to take on-site verification or view the results of filling out the "Notice" and rectification reports and other witness information to confirm whether it meets the requirements.

For regular inspection of the elevator, if the use of units to be implemented to reform or major maintenance for rectification, or to be done out of service, scrapping, it should be in the "Notice" on the signing of the appropriate comments, and in the prescribed time limit back to the inspection agency, and in accordance with relevant regulations, for the corresponding procedures.

Article 18 The inspection work (including the provisions of Article XVII of the confirmation of the rectification situation) is completed, or to achieve the "Notice" proposed time limit and the inspected unit did not feedback rectification reports and other witness materials, the inspection agency must be issued within 10 working days of the inspection report. Inspection concluded that "qualified", should also be issued at the same time the safety inspection mark.

The content of the inspection report, the format should be in accordance with the provisions of these rules (see Annex B, Annex C), the conclusion of the page must be tested, compiled, reviewed and approved the signature of the personnel and inspection agency inspection seal or official seal. Inspection agency, construction and use of units should be long-term preservation of supervision and inspection reports. For regular inspection reports, inspection agencies and the use of units should be kept at least 2 test cycle.

Article 19 The inspection report, the test project "test results" and "test conclusions" should be filled out in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) for the required test data for the project in the "test results" column fill in the measured or calculated data.

(b) for the project does not require test data, if the test meets the requirements, in the "test results" column fill in the "meet"; if the test does not meet the requirements, fill in the "do not meet ".

(C) for category C projects, if the information review is not questioned, in the "test results" column fill in the "information to confirm that meets the"; if the information review is questioned, and on-site inspection, respectively, in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) requirements to fill in the corresponding requirements. (B) the requirements to fill in the corresponding content.

(d) for the need to explain the situation of the project, in the "test results" column to make a brief description of the difficult to express a clear description of the test report in a separate page to describe the "test results" fill in the column "". See attached page xx".

(e) for the project does not apply, in the "test results" column fill in the "no this".

(f) "test conclusions" column only fill in the "qualified", "unqualified", "-" (indicating that there is no). "(that no such) and other single conclusion.

Article 20 of the various types of test items qualified determination conditions are as follows:

(a) A, B test items, review, test results in accordance with Annex A test requirements;

(b) C test items, information review without question and in line with Annex A test requirements, or review, test results in line with Annex A test requirements.

Article 21 Supervision and periodic inspection of the passing conditions are as follows:

(a) supervision and inspection of the installation, the inspection project all qualified, and the inspector confirmed that the relevant units have been for the problems described in Article XVII (a), (c), (d) to carry out effective corrective action;

(b) renovation or major repairs supervision and inspection, test items All qualified, or renovation and major maintenance involved in the relevant inspection items all qualified, for the projects carried out in accordance with the provisions of the periodic inspection, in addition to the last periodic inspection after the use of the unit to take safety measures for the guardianship of the use of Category C items (the use of the unit to continue to take safety measures for these items, signed on the "Notice" the guardianship of the use of the views), the other items are all qualified, and by the inspectors Confirmation that the relevant units have been for the problems described in Article XVII (a), (c), (d) to carry out effective rectification;

(c) periodic inspection, the test items are all qualified, or B test items are all qualified, C test items should be rectified items not more than 5 (including 5), the relevant units have been in the "Notice" within the time limit specified in the inspection agency to submit fill in the results of the treatment of the Notice" and rectification reports and other witness information, the use of units have been rectified on the above items should take appropriate safety measures, in the "Notice" signed by the guardianship of the use of the views, and by the inspector to confirm that the relevant units have been for the seventeenth article (a), (c), (d) of the problem described in the effective rectification.

Article 22 of the test, where the rules do not meet the requirements of Article 21 of the qualified determination of the elevator, shall be determined as "unqualified", the inspection agency shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the time limit, such as the issuance of inspection reports. For the test concluded that the elevator is unqualified, the unit inspected by the organization of the corresponding rectification or repair can apply for re-inspection.

Article 23 The inspection report only allows the use of "qualified", "unqualified", "re-inspection of qualified", "re-inspection of unqualified "Four kinds of test conclusions.

Article 24 For the determination of "unqualified" or "re-inspection failed" of the elevator, did not implement the "notice" of the rectification requirements and has exceeded the safety inspection mark marked by the next inspection date of the elevator, the inspection agency should be Inspection results, conclusions and relevant reports responsible for the use of equipment registered special equipment safety supervision body; for periodic inspection of elevators ruled unqualified, the inspection agency should also recommend the use of units immediately stop using. Special equipment safety monitoring bodies should be based on the situation, and take timely safety monitoring measures.

Article 25 of the rules by the State Administration of Quality Supervision is responsible for the interpretation.

Article 26 of these rules since April 1, 2010 shall come into force, January 9, 2002 AQSIQ issued the "Elevator Supervision and Inspection Regulations" (AQSIQ pot '20021 1) shall be repealed simultaneously.