pic microcontroller what model has 2-way can

PIC18, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, PIC24, PIC32 series have

Single-chip computer, full name single-chip microcomputer (English: single-chip microcomputer), is the central processor, memory, timing / counter (timer / counter), a variety of input and output interfaces are integrated on an integrated circuit chip microcomputer. Input and output interfaces are integrated in an integrated circuit chip on the microcomputer. It is mainly used in objects with a single function. Single-chip computer, full name single-chip microcomputer (English: single-chip microcomputer), also known as microcontroller (microcontroller), with the application of personal computers in the general-purpose microprocessor compared to the more emphasis on self-supply (without external hardware) and cost savings. Its biggest advantage is its small size, which can be placed inside the instrument, but it has small storage capacity, simple input and output interfaces, and low functionality. Due to its very rapid development, the old definition of microcontroller can not be satisfied, so in many applications is called a wider range of microcontrollers; due to the single chip microcomputer is often used when the controller is also known as single chip microcontroller. single chip is the name of Taiwan's microcontroller Single chip" is the name of Taiwan's microcontroller; mainland China is mainly used in the name of "microcontroller", the acronym is MCU.