Plastic case cum holder cum utensil*1, one pair of disposable rubber gloves, sponge brush for disinfection*3, cavity towel*1, small gauze*2, cotton ball*2, disposable injection needles No. 9, No. 6, No. 2 each * 1, 20ML disposable plastic syringe * 1, 2.5ML disposable plastic syringe * 1, 5ML glass syringe * 1 (mainly used to do the test), (to do the suspension test) glass catheter a, epidural puncture needle * 1, lumbar anesthesia puncture needle * 1, epidural catheter package (including catheters, connectors, filters) * 1, and then wrapped outside the packaging of the seamless cloth, and then the most external Plastic packaging. The basic of these.
If you need to let the head of the department or the hospital equipment section to contact the import unit, appropriate to add or reduce the things inside, according to the need to set. Basic tens of dollars, can not be charged on the head of the patient ...