How much is the price of an ambulance?

Price of the ambulance depends on the configuration of the cabin, if it is a special transfer type, generally in the 100,000 below, if it is a guardianship type should be more expensive 100,000 to 200,000, guardianship type is also divided into whether or not it is the integration of the cabin, the integration of a little more expensive.

The medical checkup ambulance medical cabin configuration is basically similar, how much money is by the choice of vehicle brand and medical cabin needs to be configured with the decision of medical equipment, different brands of medical checkup ambulance price disparity is very large, in addition to the configuration of medical equipment, the price is generally 15 ~ 30 million.

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Related Requirements

The ambulance driver has been professionally trained. that can drive quickly and safely on busy roads, at night and in bad weather. Training also includes ambulance skid control and field driving. Speed is important, but a smooth ride is also necessary when you're carrying a seriously ill or injured patient and other crews are giving him first aid.

Being able to drive quickly and without leaning around corners or bumps on uneven roads requires excellent driving skills and a high level of concentration. Ambulances generally have power steering, extra roll-over bars and modified rear suspension to keep them running smoothly.

Ambulances can carry up to eight people when transporting non-emergency patients and only one stretcher in accidents and emergencies. An efficient ambulance service should be able to arrive at the scene within 20 minutes of an emergency call.

However, no matter how well trained ambulance crews are, getting to the scene quickly is often difficult, especially in crowded city traffic and in older, run-down areas of towns and cities where some street signs may be missing.