JD.COM backdoor listing time
Jingdong Logistics was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on May 28th, 20021. Jingdong Logistics was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on May 28th, 20021. Jingdong Logistics will abide by the relevant laws and regulations, the relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and the relevant regulatory requirements of domestic and foreign stock exchanges. Within five years from the date of completion of this tender offer (subject to the date of transfer of shares obtained by this tender offer), it will follow the principle of protecting the interests of Debon shares and all its shareholders, combine the industrial policies of the industry, the business market environment and the actual development of Debon shares, perform relevant decision-making procedures in accordance with the law, and adopt the operation methods permitted by laws, regulations and regulatory rules, including but not limited to entrusted operation and business integration, to gradually solve Jingdong Logistics.