Does no one regret having a baby and becoming a mother?

I regret it, but I will insist that how many women think it is easy to have children, just as their mother told them. You see, everyone is born, and the children are about to grow up. It was not until I got pregnant and gave birth to a child that I found that things were far from simple. No one told them that they would vomit until their eyes were black and swollen during pregnancy, and they would always worry about their baby's health.

No one told them that milk powder, diapers, toys and early education burned so much money; No one told them that having children would make them deformed, their health worse and their careers stagnant. And when they realize this, people around them will say: That's what being a mother is like. That's how everyone gets here.

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Being a mother means that time and freedom will become luxuries. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, your body and mind are on your child. Especially when children are young, children are just like hanging on you and need your care all the time. Freedom becomes out of reach.

So, you are confused and depressed, while looking for a way out. After all, children are born and cannot be stuffed back. We can only struggle to find the so-called balance between children and career that does not exist. In the TV series "Thirty without Nothing", a passage by Gu Jia expressed the feelings of mothers: "After becoming a mother, your greatest feeling is humbleness, humbleness in a title called mother.