1, deep tillage combined with application of organic fertilizer and biological fertilizer.
Deep tillage can break the plow bottom of soil, and the combined application of organic fertilizer and biological fertilizer can greatly increase the soil organic matter content, improve the soil aggregate structure, improve the soil water and fertilizer conservation ability, and increase soil permeability. All these have created better favorable conditions for root respiration of crops, thus improving fertilizer absorption rate and making crops grow healthier.
2. Return the straw to the field
Whether it is returned to the field after composting or broken and ploughed during ploughing, the purpose is to increase the organic matter of the soil. As mentioned above, when the organic matter of soil is improved, the utilization rate of fertilizer is naturally improved, crops grow naturally and healthily, and at the same time, environmental pollution can be reduced.
3. Cooperate with the rotating system
Different kinds of crops can be planted successively, which is called rotation; Through crop rotation, especially planting leguminous crops, rhizobia of leguminous crops have nitrogen fixation function, which can fix nitrogen in the air in the soil and transform it into nutrients available to crops, and crop rotation can also reduce the occurrence of soil-borne diseases.
Summary: By understanding the factors that limit the soil vitality and improving the organic matter in the soil, the soil vitality will naturally increase. Only with healthy soil can we have healthy soil quality and improve soil productivity.