What is healthy nutrition?

Seven nutrients of human body

0 1. Carbohydrate (the main source of human thermal energy)

02. Lipids (providing energy, protecting internal organs, nourishing muscles and skin)

03. protein (material basis)

04. Water (conveying nutrition, excreting waste and regulating body temperature)

05. Minerals (constitute human tissues and maintain physiological functions)

06. Vitamins (body metabolism regulator)

07. Dietary fiber (promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and defecation)



Carbohydrates are substances composed of three elements: hydrocarbons and oxygen. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in the molecular formula of this kind of compound is exactly 2: 1, which looks like a combination of carbon and water, so it is called carbohydrate.


& lt 1 & gt; About 70% of the energy needed by the human body is provided by the oxidative decomposition of carbohydrates.

& lt 1 & gt; It forms active components with proteins and lipids.

The main source of carbohydrates




sweet potato




Lipid is the general name of fat and lipid, and it is an important part of the body. Fat is a compound of fatty acids and glycerol. Foods rich in fat include animal oil and vegetable oil. Lipids mainly include phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol and cholesterol. function

& lt 1 & gt; Oxidation provides energy.

& lt2. The synthesis premise of some hormones

& lt3> promotes the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients.

The main source of lipid compounds

animal oil

Edible meat


vegetable oil




Water is one of the most common substances on the earth, an important resource for all life, including human beings, and the most important component of organisms. Water plays an important role in the evolution of life. Water is an essential substance for all life, a basic component in diet, and has an important physiological function in life activities.


& lt 1 & gt; Water is the main component of human body structure, accounting for 60%~70% of adult body weight.

& lt2> Solvent and transport carrier of nutrients.

& lt3> Regulate body temperature and lubricate tissues.



Protein is a polymer compound composed of amino acids with a certain skeleton, which is closely related to life activities.


& lt 1 & gt; The important components of tissues and cells account for about 45% of the total solids of human body.

& lt2> is used to renew and repair tissues and cells, and participate in the regulation of substance metabolism and physiological functions.

& lt3> About 10~ 15% of the daily heat energy required by human body comes from protein folding.

The main source of lipid compounds

Eggs (of hens)






Minerals, also known as inorganic salts or ash, are divided into two categories-macro elements and trace elements.

Macroelements refer to elements with contents above 0.0 1% of body weight, mainly including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and magnesium, while trace elements with contents below 0.0 1% mainly include iron, copper, diamond, zinc, selenium and iodine.


& lt 1 & gt; Minerals are important substances that constitute body tissues.

& lt2> regulates body fluid balance

& lt3> Maintain the body's acid-base balance.

dietary fibre


Dietary fiber refers to the sum of edible plant components, carbohydrates and similar substances, which can resist the digestion and absorption of human small intestine, and can be partially or completely fermented in human large intestine, including polysaccharide oligosaccharide lignin and related plant substances.

& lt 1 & gt; Improve intestinal function and help control weight.

& lt2> regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

& lt3> regulates acid-base constitution.

The main source of dietary fiber


Soybeans and corn

