The standard of normal ear hearing is divided according to the World Health Organization Classification of Hearing Impairment (WHO):
Normal 0-25 decibels, no or only slight hearing problems, can hear whispers.
Mild 26-40 decibels can be heard at a distance of 1 m and normal conversation sounds can be repeated. Hearing AIDS can be considered.
Moderate 4 1-60 decibels can be heard and repeated at 1 m, which usually requires hearing AIDS.
When you shout at 6 1-80 dB, you can hear something and need a hearing aid. If you don't wear a hearing aid, you need to rely on lip reading and gestures.
Extremely serious > even if you shout to 80 decibels, you can't hear or understand the sound. Hearing AIDS may help you understand the language (depending on the resolution of the language), you need extra rehabilitation, and sometimes you need to combine lip reading with gestures.