Confucius said, "Fifty-five is determined to learn, thirty is standing, forty is not confused, fifty is aware of destiny, sixty is obedient, and seventy is willing to do it, not exceeding the rules." It reflects that with the growth of age, Confucius lived and studied, which made his spiritual realm develop continuously. Old people should not only have a sense of security, but also be happy, knowledgeable and active.
Second, prepare for retirement in advance.
Make mental preparations before retirement and realize that retirement is to hand over jobs to mature people, which is conducive to improving the quality of work and social progress. Arrange your life after retirement. Those who have the conditions will continue to exert their residual heat as much as possible and participate in some social activities suitable for their physical strength and professionalism.
Third, life is endless and activities are endless.
Life lies in exercise. Old people will feel full and optimistic if they take part in more activities within their power, including physical exercise and mental activities. It is conducive to overcoming the sense of aging, decadence and emptiness that the elderly often have, and delaying and delaying aging.
Fourth, maintain good interpersonal relationships.
Correctly handle various relationships within the family and establish a harmonious family environment. In addition to family relations, the elderly also need a social circle, which is irreplaceable by family relations. Chatting with some old friends, neighbors and former colleagues and taking the initiative to care for and help others are also very beneficial to physical and mental health. Section 2 Eliminating the Obstacles of Retirement Syndrome
As time goes by, the years rush. Unconsciously, we will enter retirement age from middle age, and then we will leave the career we have struggled for all our lives, and we will leave the positions we are familiar with and love. The sudden change of time and space often makes us old people feel unaccustomed to life, and a sense of boredom and loss fills our hearts, which is actually a reflection of retirement syndrome. If it cannot be effectively adjusted, it will definitely affect our old age.